Red-Tailed Hawk アカオノスリ [English and Japanese]

in voilk •  6 months ago

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    Red-Tailed Hawk

    I've been hearing beautiful voices from the sky these days. After these sounds, I sometimes hear the usual crows. Red-tailed hawks are flying above my house, and they look like they are playing, practicing, teaching, or perhaps getting ready to migrate.

    Usually, there are 3-4 red-tailed hawks flying above my house. Their voices are very high-pitched and playful. They fly like great gliders, reaching speeds that can peak at least 190 km per hour. What a speed!

    I sometimes see them sitting in the trees near my window, appearing as if they're searching for their next target. When they decide to catch something, they dive, moving through the air like skilled swimmers. They're great swimmers in the sky. As soon as they catch something, they return to their spots.

    When they open their wings, I can feel the large shadow they cast on my window. They appear compact, but when they spread their wings, they look enormous. I'm often left speechless by how wild and majestic they are.

    I'll miss them soon. I wonder where they go during the cold winter. Eagles stay around this area, but red-tailed hawks leave when it gets very cold.

    The Red-Tailed Hawk as a Spirit Animal

    When the red-tailed hawk appears as your Spirit Animal, it means that something you’ve prayed for is just about to receive an answer, or it could be a heartfelt wish, dream, or goal. The red-tailed hawk sometimes takes you skyward as part of expanding your mental and spiritual awareness. You can look through the hawk’s eyes and observe things that previously confounded you. The red-tailed hawk may call on you to turn away from negative habits and lifestyles blocking your growth (I summarized from my information paper).

    Wow...they have such profound meanings! It's wonderful timing to see them. They are bringing me powerful and positive messages. They gave me a great souvenir before they left. Thank you!

    Japanese 日本語

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