Internet access and human rights

in voilk •  last month



    The internet which has been the source of joy and engagement to many since it advent has really contributed to human development in recent times. When talking about the internet, it's really helped a lot of people in discovering themselves, both financially and otherwise. Though, before it advent, there were many sources that aided human development as well, but with it advent, all other past sources have been neglected and have become things or sources of the past.

    The advent of the internet has really given people more exposure about life and everything within it. Such things which include easy access to information, online business, accessing other people culture at ones finger tip, being everywhere even on the spot and a whole lots more has been made easy via the use of the internet, which is a welcome development to all and relieve from the past crude way of life. Though those that lived in the past also enjoy their life to the fullest as they used to say, but the advent of internet has made things easy more than then and the exposure of this current dispensation cannot be overemphasized.

    So, for this reason, the internet usage should be one of the fundamental human right of every individuals and citizens from nation to nation and state to state, infact it should be entrenched in the constitution of every nation as denial of us the citizens from accessing the the internet should be known as an infringement on the individual rights and should be punishable under the law and constitution of the land.

    But, instead of getting the right thing done on this same issue of easy access to the internet, the reverse has always been the case in most of the nation of the world and the reason for this is not far fetched. The reason is not far fetched like I said earlier as it comes from those people who are supposed to be the watchmen of the law protecting the the easy access to the internet, who are the watchmen we are talking about here? They are those in authority and their action as regard the internet is suspicious and this their action stems from their fear of being exposed. Seriously, these people knew that the internet is a weapon in the hands of the citizens and that's why, most of them, because of their own selfish and personal interest may wage war against the usage or easy access to internet.

    I could remember some years back in my Nigeria, the then Twitter now X was being ban by the then sitting president due to a personal issue between the owner of the app and the government, though, people resulted to using the VPNs then, but it's not as easy as the direct access to the app, even with the use of the VPNs then, the government were not happy, they just wanted to deny the citizens from accessing the Twitter now X easily then. So, like I said earlier, these things are not posing any danger to the citizens nor the government, but what the government would say just to ban the use is to fabricate a lie and act on the lie to ban the usage which is not good enough.

    Also, i heard of a country in the Asian continent that it leaders would not allow the citizens of the country to see beyond their country and this they do through their policies of not allowing the citizens to own or have access to the internet. So, the a country that denies his people from internet usage, denies them from great benefits, such as financial breakthroughs, free and easy access to information, being everywhere on the spot and a whole lots of other benefits. The funniest thing about this whole issue is that, those people in authority are taking and making use of the internet, while they deny the citizens. They are just bunch of hypocrites.

    Though, the internet also have it own downside as we have people misusing for their illegal purposes such as fraud and other criminal related issues, but that is not enough from denying the majority of people from accessing it just for a selfish reason. So, as for me and my opinion, the internet usage should be entrenched as the fundamental human right of every citizens and any form of violation should be fought against. This is because, the internet is the only gate way to the whole wide world.

    This is my entry to the week 151, Edition 02 of the weekly Featured contest in the Hive Learners Community.

    Thanks for reading.

    Picture sourced.

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