My Children and School

in voilk •  4 months ago
    Hello loving parents of this community. I find myself watching a little bit of what was my children's closing week and it is so moving to see them go over and over again through moments that help them become a little more socially involved.

    My oldest son Jose Angel was a very withdrawn child he didn't like to talk to anyone everything made him shy (that's how I was as a child) and as his 2nd grade teacher has encouraged him weekly to participate in blowouts games among other activities, Jose Angel has a different countenance when he goes to school.




    On the other hand I have my little Manuel that we don't see one, but his last closure was about the water day, he wanted to stand out, with his visor and the drop, the teacher said that he wanted to go ahead so that everyone could see his drop that was smiling, and it is where I encourage me to continue supporting him in each of the activities proposed in the preschool.





    It makes me proud to see them grow in the educational environment they are in, which is not the best but it is the one that has led them little by little to their personal growth.

    Greetings to all...

    En Español

    Hola amantísimos padres y madres de esta comunidad. Yo me encuentro viendo un poco de lo que fue la semana de cierre de mis niños y es tan emotivo verlos pasar una y otra vez por momentos que los ayudan a involucrarse un poco más socialmente.

    Mi hijo mayor José Ángel era un niño muy retraído no le gustaba hablar con nadie todo le daba pena (así era yo cuando niña) y a medida que su maestra del 2do grado lo ha incentivado semanalmente a participar en explosiones juegos entre otras actividades, José Ángel tiene otro semblante cuando va al colegio.




    Por otro lado tengo a mi pequeño Manuel que este si no le vemos una, pero su ultimo cierre fue sobre el día del agua, él quería sobresalir, con su visera y la gota, la maestra decía que él quería ir adelante para que todos vieran su gota que estaba sonriendo, y es donde me animo a seguir apoyándolo en cada una de las actividades propuestas en el preescolar.





    Me da orgullo verlos crecer en el ambiente educativo en el que están, que no es el mejor pero es el que los ha llevado poco a poco a su crecimiento personal.

    Saludos para todos...

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