Fractured Mind I

in voilk •  4 months ago


    A fractured mind pulls itself out of the veil. Not all at once, for the conscious mind was still reconciling itself from the dreams. A skein of thoughts clouded the mind as the latent subconscious fears from the dream state crashed together with the causes of stress of reality.

    The body, caught between these two profound concepts lays still but hyperventilates the lungs and adrenaline surges. The mind becomes clear and alert as the flight or fight response activates responding to this pincer vice of confused and compound concepts as though they were a physical threat.

    A dozen hasty breaths are taken, while dozens of thoughts are processed. Fears are cast aside, items of stress are assessed and categorized and filed away into compartments, listed and labelled in descending order of importance and threat.

    The dream state sometimes leaves its mark on the mind. A translation is made. Perhaps a lesson can be learned from it or a new stance can be discovered or developed to compensate with the pressures of daily life.

    The mind takes it all in and files all of these items away in their appropriate places. For all intents and purposes, the mind drives the body onwards to begin the day. Daily routine tasks are begun, obstacles and tensions experienced throughout the day are dealt with based on the order of importance established at the start of the day when the body was still lying in bed.

    Rest is not found on the pillow, but in the completion of tasks. When the states of emergency lower from the higher tiers then the mind will be allowed to rest. The day wears on. New threats and obstacles are discovered just as much as tasks are completed and set aside. Immovable forces are met with altering perspectives, to challenge the obstacles in a way that cuts through resistance.

    New information, new information, new information.

    New requests, new complaints, new defects. The mind must explore them all and besides being reactive, the mind needs to plan ahead and be proactive. As many items as are solved from yesterday, the mind solves twice as many before-hand as contingencies.

    Like a chess master staring at a board while waiting for his opponent to move, the moment the situation evolves, the reply to that response has already been contrived.

    The day reaches its limit and the mind has to turn towards inner matters. A performance review is allocated to the results of pre-planned known actions and the results of pre-computated responses to developing conditions. Good judgement and incorrect judgement are reviewed. Mistakes are analysed and solutions are considered and committed to memory.

    Distractions. All day there are distractions that offer peace away from the unease of recognising the stresses of reality. The mind can fool itself, until reality pounds at the door and demands surrender.

    Eventually the mind must sleep and the thoughts of the day are decoupled from their adhesive constructs. The mind passes into the veil and reality fades and there is sleep. Within the sleep there are concepts created from the layering and reconstruction of the disseminated thoughts.

    Concepts turn into scenes of wonder that can be tainted by darkness and fear. Fear and pain and condemnation. The concepts fracture the mind with their buffeting nonsense, not logic but interpretive translations of reality. Instead of reality and substance they create fiction.

    And then…

    A fractured mind pulls itself out of the veil. Not all at once, for the conscious mind was still reconciling itself from the dreams…


    Hive South Africa

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