in voilk •  4 months ago

    Ruleset Focus

    This week in Battle Mage Secrets, we shall dive into the EQUALIZER ruleset. These rules guarantee that the starting Health of all Monsters matches that of the Monster with the highest base Health on either team. To make the most of this ruleset, it is advisable to occupy all 6 slots in your lineup for optimal advantages. Additionally, avoid spending mana on high HP Monsters and instead prioritize those with high damage output for better results! 😁

    Monsters Focus

    Here are examples of Monsters that are highly favored in battles, particularly when the EQUALIZER ruleset is active. Typically, these Monsters are susceptible due to their low Health stats. However, with the EQUALIZER ruleset, they can truly excel in battle, thanks to their impressive damage output!

    The Battle

    While fulfilling my responsibilities in the Splinterlands scholarship account I have with Balthazar, bltzr-wizard-729, I was able to engage in a battle that involves the EQUALIZER ruleset. To get right into the action, the battle link can be found here. Otherwise, do read on as I go into more detail regarding the lineup and fight.

    Let's begin by examining the ruleset implemented for this battle. Firstly, we have the Are You Not Entertained? ruleset, which permits players to select a Gladiator card for use in the battle. Next, we encounter the main focus of this week's challenge: the EQUALIZER ruleset, which has been thoroughly discussed in preceding sections. Lastly, there's the Target Practice ruleset, where all Ranged and Magic attack Monsters are endowed with the Snipe ability. The battle imposes a mana restriction of 22 and prohibits the utilization of the Fire and Earth Splinter.

    Summoner, Kelya Frendul

    Upon reviewing the ruleset and mana restriction for this battle, my inclination favored the dependable Water Splinter. I believe it offers a versatile selection of Monsters that, in my view, possess the capability to outperform those from other Splinters in the present battle context. My choice fell on Kelya Frendul, chiefly for the valuable buffs of +1 Speed and +1 Armor to the team, which significantly bolstered my tactical advantage! ✌️

    First Position, Hardy Stonefish

    Considering the EQUALIZER ruleset, I chose the Hardy Stonefish as my tank for this battle. Normally, the Hardy Stonefish wouldn't typically be relied upon as a sturdy tank, but in this particular scenario, Health stats are EQUALIZE to match the Monster with the highest Health stats in the battefield. Thus, by investing just a single mana cost for deploying the Hardy Stonefish, I have the opportunity to have a robust tank, as its name suggests! 😅

    Second Position, Deeplurker

    Including the Deeplurker in my lineup, especially when utilizing the Water Splinter, emerges as an obvious decision. The Deeplurker not only possesses the ability to inflict Poison on its target, enhancing its already impressive offensive capabilities, but it also introduces the Demoralize ability. This strategic addition imposes a -1 Melee attack debuff on the opposing team, thereby enhancing its effectiveness in battles and promoting a more comprehensive approach to tactical gameplay! 😉

    Third Position, Isgald Vorst

    No battle governed by the Are You Not Entertained? ruleset is truly fulfilled without the incorporation of a Gladius Card! Isgald Vorst stands out as a popular choice in the Water Splinter, thanks to its modest mana cost and remarkable destructive potential. The synergy between its Bloodlust and Opportunity abilities is impeccable, consistently targeting the opposing Monster with the lowest Health. This not only increases the chances of defeating it but also triggers the Bloodlust ability for additional power-ups! 💪

    Fourth Position, Uraeus

    The Uraeus was chosen to lead the assault on the enemy's rear lines. This versatile Monster from the Neutral Splinter is a common sight in Diamond and Champion League Ranked Battles. Priced at 3 mana, the Uraeus packs a punch with 3 Melee damage and the Sneak ability, making it a formidable contender in battles with tight mana constraints. However, its most remarkable attribute is its capability to inflict Poison on opposing Monsters! 😤

    Fifth Position, Pelacor Bandit

    The Pelacor Bandit stands out as a superb and budget-friendly option in the game, especially when confronted with mana limitations during battles. With a mere cost of 3 mana, it showcases impressive attributes including 4 Melee attack, 6 Speed, and 5 Health (to increase with EQUALIZER ruleset). Its Flying ability boosts its evasion capabilities against both Melee and Ranged assailants. Furthermore, its Sneak ability proves invaluable in team formations, enabling it to swiftly dispatch vulnerable enemy backline units! 😛

    Last Position, Chaos Agent

    Securing its place in my lineup mainly for its cost-effectiveness at just 1 mana, Chaos Agent occupies a strategic position in the last slot. This placement enables it to function as a potential backline tank, poised to step receive attacks from Ranged and Magic Monsters due to the Target Practice ruleset. Its Dodge significantly increase its likelihood of evading incoming enemy strikes. Additionally, its Backfire ability adds another dimension to its utility by inflicting 2 Melee damage on opponents who fail to land their attacks! 😆

    The Analysis

    Despite the availability of multiple Splinters in this battle, my opponent chose the same Water Splinter as me, indicating the widespread popularity of the Water Element among players who often regard it as superior to other elements! 😆

    Given the mana restriction of only 22, my battle strategy was to prioritize low-costing Monsters for my lineup. These economical choices, such as the Hardy Stonefish and Chaos Agent, can serve as reliable tanks, especially within the EQUALIZER ruleset, which was further facilitated by the enemy's selection of Baakjira in their lineup! 😇

    Among the other low-costing Monsters I opted for were those with high damage output, including the Deeplurker, Isgald Vorst, Uraeus, and Pelacor Bandit. By focusing on the enemy's backline, I aimed to diminish the Health stats of their vulnerable targets, allowing Deeplurker and Isgald Vorst to concentrate their attacks on the same Monster through their Opportunity ability. By consistently targeting the same foe each turn, I managed to swiftly eliminate the enemy team, one by one! 🤙

    Do you guys have any better recommendations for setting up the team in this particular ruleset? Do share them with me in the below comments 😜

    If you made it this far, I sincerely appreciate your time and value your encouragement. Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions so that we can discuss about other strategies. Thinking about giving Splinterlands a try but haven't signed up yet? Feel free to use my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=ak08, and be sure to reach out to me if you have any questions!

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    All banners, dividers card and battle images used in this article are open source and obtained from the Splinterlands team or made by flauwy. Do check out his link for other amazing designs.

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