Evolution of technology; The fight of good and evil

in voilk •  2 months ago

    In this modern day, we are surrounded by technology. It’s safe to say that everything we do, big or small, has been made easier by technology, whether at home, in industry, business, or the medical profession.Technology is the way we apply scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as solving problems and finding solutions to questions that can’t be answered by human knowledge.

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    One thing we should know is that whatever has an advantage will surely have a disadvantage or will be misused by humans. I see technology as the Marvel characters Iron Man and Ultron.Many times, scientists have gone too far with some kind of scientific modification that has been going on secretly, which many people don't know about. There have been many discoveries of scientists performing human experiments that aren't even humane. Science has gone far in areas like

    Human cloning: Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. It is generally used to refer to artificial reproduction, more like pigs as part of the ingredient used for making this happen. Do you know pigs have more similar DNA structures than humans? The method of cloning humans is so extreme that the procedure has to be cancelled, but some scientists still do this in secret. It involves isolating embryonic stem cells and growing them in a culture to produce the tissues needed to repair human disease they say. Some of these scientists will judge their action as "for the benefit of the human race," but is it really?

    On the other hand, science is needed but not felt in this area. In the area of renewable energy storage, there is a need to transition to more sustainable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. I sometimes wonder why the scientists of this world can't come together to work on a sustainable energy source that can benefit the whole world. Why can't the world unite so we can share our scientific knowledge for the betterment of the world as a whole? There is a high demand for solar power so as to have stable electricity and a reliable energy supply, as well as to reduce the use of fossil fuels and the blackout of electricity.

    In most of Africa, fossil fuels are one of the most used resources for energy generation. As an environmental activist, this has caused more damage to the earth, which many people don't even know about. Have you asked yourself about climate change? These are the parts of science we need to focus more on.

    Another area where science is felt but more needed is the mental health of people. I can tell that there have been so many mechanisms developed by scientists that have proven useful to help people deal with mental illness and mental stress, and who even knows, therapists will be something that will be popular in the 21st century. We are living in a fast-growing world, and it has a huge impact on our mental health. This is enough for scientists to focus their efforts on before we all go mental over some things that are going on around us.

    Finally, I will be very happy if scientists can put more focus into the care of cancer and AIDs.

    I hope I did not bore you with my writing, if you enjoy reading this, drop a comment and let's be friends. Thanks for reading. Let's keep learning from one another. Much love.

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