Mayu's New Identity [Fiction]

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Mayu drew close to the enchanted mirror, stared into it and grinned at his image. His teeth were sparkling white, making his smile the delight of all women in Meknès kingdom, young and old.

    He wriggled his full and finely trimmed eyebrows and winked at himself, his blue eyes twinkling because finally, he was getting married to Princess Zahra.

    He gently stroked his moustache down to his full blond beard, remembering the comments of some of the king's council. “Why that colour of hair, like those white people from across the Atlantic?”

    “He's a strange one.”

    “He looks familiar but I can't seem to place his face.”

    “Familiar or not, the women are crazy about him.”

    The last comment brought back his egotistic grin, revealing a gold tooth that sparkled in the light. He stood upright, adjusted his crown and dusted off invisible specks from his armour.


    The seh'r’s potion worked perfectly.

    Mayu was disdained, once upon a time. All he wanted was a coin or two to eat and survive after losing his parents on the sea.

    The people of Meknès did not care. He was one of the kingdom's riff raffs, fitting for the gutters and unworthy to be seen by the beautiful eyes of the fairest women. And so, he hated them, everyday.

    He was starved, thirsty and dying when Youssef, the king's nephew found him that night. He hid him behind the royal stable with the horses and took care of him.

    He fed and slept well, and his tiny, bony body grew big and strong while working as the royal stable boy. Then he saw the most beautiful Zahra and a plan formed in his head. It was time for vengeance on Meknès, for he swore that he would never forget.

    Fate promptly brought the seh'r his way. “I'll give you a potion that will change your looks from this….,” he curled his lips in distaste and waved his hand at Mayu's dishevelled form, “ someone more appealing but only the one who brought you into the palace will recognize you.”

    Youssef. “What can I do about him?” Mayu asked.

    The seh'r’s eyes turned black and glowed like an onyx stone. “He's to be your sacrifice. When he's out of the way, you can have your revenge.”

    It was hard but Mayu reminded himself that Youssef was one of them by blood. They went fishing and he drowned the king's nephew in the river.

    “Master,” a servant dressed in a long white tunic, face hidden behind a veiled turban, bowed before Mayu, turning his thoughts from the past. “The people are seated already and your wedding is about to begin.”

    Mayu exhaled, grinned at his handsome image in the mirror once more and strode majestically out of the room without giving the servant a second look.

    It was time to marry Zahra, take the throne by a special means that the seh'r was preparing and rule the kingdom of Meknès the way he'd often daydreamed.

    Those daydreams kept him alive when he was scraggy, starving and dying in the gutters.

    He walked into the majlis, a formal room in the palace used by the king for special gatherings. The aristocrats dressed in beautiful and expensive garments were seated and so was his wife to-be.

    A smile froze on his pale face just as a familiar gurgling voice, Youssef’s, whispered in his ears. ”Truth must prevail over evil, Mayu Al-Fārūq. In a short while, I'll come for you.”

    No one else heard the voice. Only Mayu.

    The End.

    What I See

    A man wearing a crown, probably a prince, grinning and admiring his face in a mirror surrounded with sorts of accessories that reveal that the man is into magic.

    What I Feel

    The man is crazy, full of himself and up to no good!

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    I hope you enjoyed reading this story. It is my response to A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words contest. You may click on the link to participate.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Image generated by @wakeupkitty for the Pic1000 contest

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