I'm coming for you! ⛰️/ An afternoon from the top!...

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Just as I titled this post, I actually kept repeating it in my mind, over and over again: I'M COMING FOR YOU!. For a long time I wanted to go to a mountain, which I saw every day. Before I continue, I must mention that this mountain is located in my hometown: Puerto la Cruz; city where I was since December last year, when I decided to go with my mom, to share with my (maternal) family that I hadn't seen for years.

    Since then I stayed at an aunt's house, where one of the sights I had in the distance was that mountain. And it was until the present month of March, that I had the opportunity to go, since in several occasions we had tried and something always happened, the plan was cancelled. One afternoon when we were all at home, we took advantage that it was the weekend and we were without much to do, and without planning it so much, we put on sports clothes, and off we went!.

    We walked a long way to get to the Andres Eloi Blanco Park, being there, we found the people in charge of guiding us on the mountain, I really liked this, because they know the place very well and as we are not experts, going with them gave us more security.

    We arrived just as they were eating, so we had to wait about 30 minutes. While we were waiting we took a picture. The boys took advantage and played football for a while, they are passionate about this sport, they practice it in an academy, and whenever we go out anywhere they take their football ball with them, they leave anything but that!, (that's how they are 😂).


    It was time to go up that mountain. On the way I was taking pictures with my cell phone camera; those who know me, know that I love to take pictures, I love to capture unique moments that we can keep as memories.




    On the tour, I came across an area where there were many Cactus, I approached carefully, to take a picture of them. This is another of the many things I like, at home I have several types of Cactus and Succulents.


    As we climbed, the road was more complex, there were areas where we had to pass very carefully, so I stopped taking pictures to be attentive to the indications we were given, following the route indicated by the guides.

    Arriving at the top, it was spectacular to enjoy an excellent view of the city, from the heights!. The breeze was very strong, it was very difficult to take pictures, I could capture few, but I enjoyed being there, nature is something I love and admire, the feeling of peace and tranquility that it left in me, is indescribable.



    When it was our turn to go down, they showed us another route where it was easier, but as I am not used to this kind of adventures, it still seemed complicated to me, as it was very steep, and I felt that at any moment I could fall. Once we got down I told them: we survived! 😅😂 (it was a moment of laughter among all).


    Back home, we did not stop talking about how much fun we had, each one told his experience, and with laughter, we enjoyed the conversation. In my case I can tell you that it was a unique experience, very exciting, I enjoyed it very much, it was worth the adventure, it is an experience that I would love to repeat soon.

    Thank you for reading to the end, see you in the next one!!!. Blessings ✨.

    • All the photos in this post were taken by me, with my cell phone, for the realization of this post.
    • Translated texts in DeepL
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