in voilk •  5 months ago


    The reason is clear that we have made religion not a part of our life but separated from our life.


    We have treated religion as a means of obtaining political and financial benefits which are used only for our own interests. Every one of us is worried about our world and the hereafter of others. A lawyer is a cleaner for his mistakes and a butcher for others.

    We have made religion a source of division and conflict, alienating us from our countrymen and fellow citizens.

    Instead of Tasbih and Takbeer, we have considered Tafseeq and Takfir as religion, by which we consider ourselves better and despise others.


    Although the purpose of religion is to bring ourselves closer to the Creator and try to connect the creatures with our morals, and then the creatures with the Creator.

    The message of religion is that we are all servants of God, brothers of one another, care for one another's rights, share in one another's sufferings, and treat one another with justice and kindness. Allah has called disobedient nations as brothers of prophets. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself has declared the jinn as the brothers of humans by saying, "Fainnahuma ta'am ikhwanikum"

    (Sahih Muslim 450).


    Therefore, it is the duty of the inheritors of the Prophets to connect the nation with its origin, i.e. the Book and the Sunnah, and make it clear that the Qur'an and Hadith are as contemporary and fresh for our society today as they were 1400 years ago. . Therefore, we must consider our religion as a living and enlightened guide, which gives us a universal and human message, and which is our blessed and loving relationship.


    Therefore, it is important that we consider scholars as human beings like ourselves and not as robots who happily accept every oppression imposed by the society. The society needs to cure the narrow-mindedness and narrow-mindedness of its scholars. And this can only happen if they get good salaries and get freedom from dictators in the name of nazeem and mutli.

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