Walk Around Hamburg Harbor and Visiting Elbphilharmonie Souvenir Shop

in voilk •  2 months ago

    It has been a couple of weeks since the #BuzzParty2024 was held in Hamburg and I had to refresh the memories by checking some of the photos I took while there... Unfortunately, I don't have many of them as I was "distracted" by other participants (thanks for distracting me 😂), which was the point of the meeting... Anyway, I do have some photos which I would like to share with you...

    As I have already done my "official* BuzzParty post two weeks ago, I will use this space to share the walk around Hamburg in my favorite #WednesdayWalk community!!


    The building on the first photo is Elbphilharmonie, which was our first place to visit the first day after we met early in the morning in the "bakery office" (if you checked posts from other participants, you understand the nickname... lol...). As it was morning hours, there were no events in the Elbphilharmonie, but the building is famous for the best panoramic views of Hamburg and its harbor!





    To get there, we had to pass docks where I took some photos of boats...




    The first interesting building on the way to Elbphilharmonie was this small building with a curious architectural design... I'm not sure what it was before, but at the moment, it has a POLICE station sign on it! I have to admit that I didn't see anywhere this interesting police station... 🙂




    Like in many cities around the world (or it's a European thing?), there is a custom of leaving locks on bridges... I think it has something to do with young couples "promising" themselves to each other and bonding by "locking their love" forever... 😍



    After getting to the top of the building (not really the top, but the middle terrace) by the escalator, we can witness great views of the harbor!





    The terrace goes around the building so if you are fast and have a good phone, maybe you can run around the building and create a 360-degree panoramic photo... lol... I didn't try it, but maybe someone else did. 🙂



    As Europe is a big mix of different cultures and religions, you can find many different religious buildings in Hamburg... It was interesting to take this photo as there are 5 churches in a relatively small distance...




    In the middle of the building was a souvenir shop that @edje and I noticed, which distracted us from the group... We decided to enter the shop, completely forgetting about the pretty tight schedule...



    Of course, we got distracted by many curious souvenirs that you can buy in this shop... CDs, magnets with the shape of the Elbphilharmonie building, Solar Beethoven?!, or different puzzles...




    Every souvenir shop has to have dozens of different mugs, some music socks with your favorite composers, and card games...


    As it was cold, I was thinking about buying one of these liqueurs, but after checking the alcohol percentage, I decided to skip them... It wasn't enough for warming up... 😂





    These miniature instruments looked cool especially the ones that were designed as LEGO pieces! I suppose that those weren't for sale...


    But these were, and @edje even tried to play on them... and of course, he failed... but not because he sucks at playing, but because the strings weren't in the right proportions... 😃



    And for the end of this short walk, this could be a perfect gift for wine lovers... The glass that has marked music notes! So, when you drink your wine, you can play notes on your glass... when the music stops, you just have to refill the glass again...

    After practicing for many hours (refilling the glass with wine), your music will sound better and better... probably only for you... 😃 🍷

    That's all for this walk,
    See you at the next one!

    Thank you for your time.


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