Supermarket shopping day has arrived šŸ„¬šŸ„–šŸŖ

in voilk ā€¢  2 months ago

    Hello hivers!

    Even though yesterday we went to the supermarket for a few things, today it's time to go again. It's not that I really like being there but I had been warned that if yesterday I would go again today. But there is always a saying that says "don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." Like yesterday we needed to buy something good.

    I was surprised with the consumption we currently have in the house and normally the food was lasting about twenty days, now it lasts fifteen days, but it is not because we are eating more than normal. It's because there is a new member of the family and in December we obviously don't buy everyday food but food to gain weight hahahahaha...

    I see the prices compared to what you can receive with your salary, they agree. Be careful, with certain restrictions because you don't have to abuse everything too much. But if you can eat healthy at a reasonable price, also if you know where to shop and grab deals you could save a significant amount of money.

    What I like about going to the supermarket is that every time you have to buy again you can try another brand or another product that you wanted fifteen days ago, the truth is that I don't know much about the brands and the flavors and the new products. But it's something that I really like, what they didn't let me buy this time was beers. I'll have to go alone for my sixpack.

    Protein, vegetables, groceries and personal cleaning items are purchased. The basic and elemental.

    So I hope he doesn't go to the supermarket for a while, even though he'll be spoiled by my beers.

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