Travel to two beaches in one day // Follow the sun's journey from sunrise to sunset in a beautiful beach

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Good night to all my beloved hive friends ♥️

    Maybe today is the perfect day for me to share some moments and experiences about the trip I took yesterday with my friend. And some beautiful moments that took a day just to visit two different beaches, on that trip I first visited the beach in Lhokseumawe city and the beach was called "Bangka" beach but after I visited the beach I also took the time to visit the beach in my city, Bireuen city and the beach was called "Ujong Blang" beach. Continue reading this post until the end then you will be able to feel the excitement and happiness of this truly extraordinary trip.

    So yesterday was a day where I had no work and could be called my day off, but it was impossible for me to just laze around at home without looking for something challenging, because it would be very exciting to do, but I myself did not know what to do at that time, especially since my economy was already very tight, my income such as cocoa fruit also experienced many obstacles such as rotting fruit and uncontrolled pest attacks so that my income was also very tight. And right at 08.00 in the morning suddenly my friend who already knew that yesterday was my day off, so he immediately invited me to go for a walk, and fortunately he was willing to pay for this trip so I was willing to follow his invitation and as usual I immediately got ready.

    After getting ready, we started our journey at 09.00 in the morning and we did this journey with great enthusiasm, especially since this journey was very far because my friend invited me to visit one of the seas in the city of Lhokseumawe, and the distance from my place to the city of Lhokseumawe took almost two hours and it would be very tiring, especially since the sun was currently very hot so that it made the atmosphere very hot.

    And on the way, we stopped at a food stall to buy some rice packages to enjoy when we arrived at the beach. Honestly, food at tourist attractions is very expensive, so because my economy is tight, so I just bought rice at the food stall.

    In my place, this food is called geprek chicken rice. This rice is famous because the chicken is geprek first before being sold, and for the taste itself, I really like it because it only uses shrimp paste chili sauce and some other vegetables such as cucumber, mustard greens, tempeh, and fried eggplant, it is a combination of rice that is very suitable for my tongue.

    I bought this rice when we were still in the Bireuen city area and this is my favorite food stall, and after buying two packs of geprek chicken rice we immediately continued this journey which was still very far. The sun is the main problem that makes me hot especially the weather is very hot, but to achieve happiness there must be a sacrifice

    On this trip I didn't stop again because I kept focusing on my trip to get to the beach quickly, so this trip was a little faster. Luckily I did this trip when it was almost noon when there were still very few vehicles on the road so I could increase the speed of my motorbike.

    Maybe about an hour past forty minutes we arrived at the Bangka Sea, which was our main destination from the start.

    The journey that took almost two hours made me very tired and because I hadn't eaten rice since morning, I immediately decided to eat first before enjoying the beauty of the sea.

    As usual, eating rice while being accompanied by the natural beauty in front of my eyes made the atmosphere very pleasant. I ate the rice without realizing it and without leaving any because it was indeed very pleasant. After eating, I immediately sat down and stared at the beautiful ocean in front of my eyes.

    The very hot sun was no longer felt when I was at sea because of the gentle breeze that continued to blow against my body, and this sea is also right next to a well-known company in the city of Lhokseumawe called PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda which until now has become one of the largest fertilizer producers in my area.

    After resting for about two hours, I started exploring the sea to see all the beauty it had to offer, and under the hot sun, I took the time to capture every beautiful moment there.

    This sea has extraordinary beauty and there are rock formations that block the waves that hit the land, and the rock formations also add to the impression of the beauty of the sea, and in this tourist spot it is also very cool because there are several large trees that block direct sunlight to our bodies, and because of the beautiful atmosphere, this place is still in great demand by visitors and this place is usually full of visitors on Sundays.

    And from where I am, we can see a famous company, namely PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda.

    Even though the view was very limited, we could still enjoy it and I even zoomed in on the place using my cellphone to see it more clearly.

    Oh yes, there is a story behind the excitement of my trip to the sea this time, namely when I was relaxing on the edge of the sea, suddenly there were some young people who came to the place to swim in the sea, and when I saw them swimming I was interested in swimming there, but one thing that made my desire disappear was when I saw one of them drowning in the sea, fortunately some of his friends quickly helped him so that nothing unwanted happened, seeing that incident, I who initially wanted to swim immediately changed my mind

    Maybe around 02:00 in the afternoon we decided to make our way home because we still had one more goal, namely visiting the Bireuen sea to enjoy the afternoon atmosphere there, namely the charm of the sunset, which is indeed the sea that is targeted by people who want to enjoy the beauty of the sunset from the beach.

    But on the way home I was not in a hurry because it was still daytime, and my purpose to the Bireuen sea was only to enjoy the charm of the sunset so I decided to take this trip home slowly. And when we arrived in Bireuen city we also had time to buy some more supplies such as bakso noodles which are very famous in Bireuen city, namely Bakso Mak Ci.

    And after buying some supplies at the city market, we immediately continued our journey to the sea called Ujong Blang Sea. The trip to this sea was very pleasant because the sun was no longer too hot, so I could enjoy the beauty of nature to my heart's content.

    And the distance from the center of Bireuen city to the sea only takes about 26 minutes by vehicle, not that it is a journey that is not too far and not too close, while enjoying the natural beauty presented on the road being passed, the journey was very enjoyable so that I did not realize that I had arrived at the place.

    As I have done before, when I arrived at the sea I immediately ate some of the supplies that I had bought earlier, because enjoying meatballs on the beach is a very enjoyable thing.

    The taste of this meatball is very delicious because this meatball is made from 80% pure beef, and this meatball itself is one of the branches of the city of Banda Aceh, and this meatball itself is very much in demand by many people so that every day this meatball will always be crowded with buyers, to buy this meatball I had to queue for a long time so I didn't have time to take some pictures when I bought the meatball

    After finishing my meatballs, I looked at the clock which showed 05:46, which meant it was already very late in my place. The orange rays of the sun were already visible, so I only had to wait a few more minutes to be able to enjoy the beauty of the sunset perfectly.

    I immediately got up from my seat and started heading towards the beach to take a short walk along the edge of the beach, but there was one thing that really amazed me when I was at the beach, namely the waves in the sea were very big, so it was very risky for someone to swim.

    besides having a very scary appearance I can also capture the crashing waves so that it produces some very beautiful images showing the crashing waves of the ocean. Some of these beauties I can say can be defeated by this extraordinary phenomenon, And yes this is the charm of the sunset.

    It is truly amazing, the charm of the beauty of the sunset can be witnessed with the naked eye so that we can feel a sense of calm and happiness, honestly I will never get tired of seeing the beauty of the sunset because in my opinion it is a truly extraordinary natural beauty, a beauty that we can only witness in a few minutes before the sun really sets.

    And some of these images also become the closing of this post, So those are some of the images that I can capture on a truly extraordinary trip yesterday, so yesterday I came home it was already night time so I couldn't write it directly so I decided to make the post on this occasion today. Hopefully with this post can provide entertainment for all my friends, And I @riyat apologize profusely if there are any wrong words and writing in this boredom because I myself am a human being who is never free from mistakes🙏🙏

    Camera usedInfinix 10 pro
    Lens108 MP
    F-stopF 1,75
    Iso speedISO 965
    Focal length5 MM

    My name is Riayat, often called Riyat by my friends. I come from Indonesia, precisely in the province of Aceh. I am a village child who likes to explore nature and likes to tell stories so this Hive blog is a very suitable platform for me

    See you again in my post


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