Getting back to the Tar Beach.

in voilk •  13 days ago

    After a cute nap, Deadman thanked Sam because he helped them extend the chiral network from coast to coast, and he dealt with Higgs, the UCA's enemy number one. But there is still one final step. They have to swear in a new president and establish a functioning government.

    Sam rejected working, but then Heartman arrived at the scene and told Sam that Cliff having Amelie means there may not be anything left to govern come tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow. and rescuing Amelie and averting the sixth extinction are one and the same and neither will be possible unless Sam comes back to the East. And this is their only way of saying this, then Heartman disappeared.

    Suddenly, Fragile arrived and told Sam that everyone was there at Port Knot City except Sam. Then Heartman told Fragile to transport them back to the headquarters. Sam asked Fragile if she is ok and Fragile replied affirmatively, but she couldn't stand properly.

    She replied that delivering so many people in a short amount of time was new for her. Lockne also arrived at the scene; Sam was surprised to see her. After that, Deadman told them that they were all waiting for Sam but Sam told that there was no way he was going to haul himself back there.

    That's why he asked Fragile to come with him. Fragile replied that she couldn't because it isn't safe to use the beaches to move people for now. Heartman said that Chiral spikes have become more frequent, possibly as a result of expanding the network nationwide, and too many beaches share the same space; that's why wires get crossed and so forth.

    After that, Fragile said that it's too dangerous to risk jumping through the beach. Even if she reaches a beach, there is a possibility she will get stuck there. Fragile told Sam that if he could get to the entrance of the beach, she would be able to help Sam get there.

    Heartman added that beaches are still there, and he can personally attest to that. Fragile told that because of this reason, Sam will need to haul his way back here and once he is back, she will take him to Amelie.

    Heartman also added that both Sam and Amelie share a special connection, Sam's dream catcher and her quipu. And they are singular, irreplaceable totems, embodiments of his shared memories. He also added that dreamcatchers are a product of the Native American tradition, that of the Ojibwe people, and they were said to ward off nightmares and to alter one's dreams.

    And if DOOMS is indeed Amelie's gift to them, her shared dream of their future, perhaps Sam's totem is an invitation to change it and he searched for the director and Amelie. Deadman added that he could find any records on the three of them.

    Deadman showed Sam a map and told him to head east toward Lake Knot City. With that said, Deadman disappeared. Then Sam had a vision while getting ready. In the dream, Bridget said that the bay is special.

    I exited the private room and found myself at the beach by the tar. I started running and scanning the area, and then I opened the map to check. After that, I jumped and ran toward my destination. I stopped by the generator but I didn't have anything to charge for the moment.

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    All the in-game screenshots are taken by me.

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