Hive Ghana Weekley Engagement (Wk 43): No wrong crush just enjoy the moment

in voilk •  4 months ago


    If you have gone through heartbreak, you will remember all the promises you made to yourself not to fall in love again.
    You will, at some point, admit how stupid you were falling in love and countless mistakes you made in the relationship.

    But in all these checks and balance, love is inevitable and one will surely, quickly fall in love soon again.

    Love is beautiful and is quickly built, proudly sponsored by what we see and our emotions.

    So, it is best we embrace it when it comes our way, not forgetting to not expect a lot.

    This is me with many words about love, that seems to make sense to me😅😂

    I haven't really been lucky with love and relationships, but I can agree I enjoy each moment.

    So, enjoy my short story 😉😁

    I came to work as usual, normal working day nothing special.
    Though I was informed about the coming of a new civil engineer to replace the previous engineer that left.
    I was even warned to be careful about him, though I didn't know why.

    So, while sitting there and getting done with some paperwork.
    He (the new civil engineer) came and sat at the other end of the bench to be inducted.

    I looked and damn the man looks so handsome, my type of man😁🥰 I maintained my cool.

    Was still planning on how to make friends with him for a start, but I would rather not be forward, so I never made any move.

    But, the story started changing when he asked me to come check out something inside the sire.
    Though I got angry and felt uncomfortable because I would rather not enter the site then, but I obeyed and entered.

    That was my first time entering the site in the morning, and it felt so much

    The next move was to get his contact, but I didn't know how to ask, and I would rather not be the first to ask for his contact.

    But the next encounter solved it all.


    A worker needed to leave work which also required me to know about it, then the engineer asked the worker to tell me to call him to confirm his approval.

    I smiled to myself on hearing this because I knew it was kind of of a signal, there was an interest from his end too.

    During the short call with him, he asked to confirm if I called with my number, which I said yes.

    Later that day, we engaged in a short chat that I enjoyed.
    Oh how I loved this man…. physical appearance check, communication check, wisdom, and level of understanding check.

    It did break my heart when I found out he is married.
    Though he is still my best friend, but I deeply wished he was my man.

    This is my response to #hiveghana wk 43 engagement prompt, which I decided to write on the topic ”your partner”.

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