Flesh and Bone

in voilk •  5 months ago


    In the golden haze of a Spanish afternoon, Diego Montoya stepped into the arena, his heart pounding with anticipation. At just twenty years old, he was already hailed as a rising star in the world of bullfighting, his grace and skill unmatched by many seasoned matadors.

    As the crowd roared around him, Diego’s eyes locked onto the magnificent beast before him, its muscles rippling beneath the sunlight. With a flick of his crimson cape, Diego began his dance with death, weaving and spinning with effortless grace as he dodged the bull’s furious charges.

    But as the duel raged on, something stirred within Diego’s soul. With each thrust of his sword, each stab of his lance, he felt a pang of guilt gnawing at him. It wasn’t the thrill of the fight that consumed him, but rather the knowledge that he was inflicting pain upon a magnificent creature who had done him no harm.

    In a fleeting moment of hesitation, Diego found himself staring into the bull’s dark eyes, seeing not a beast to be conquered, but a creature of beauty and power. And in that moment, he knew he could not continue.

    With a heavy heart, Diego dropped his weapons and stepped back, leaving the bull standing alone in the center of the arena. The crowd fell silent, stunned by his sudden act of defiance.

    But Diego paid them no mind. Instead, he approached the bull with outstretched hand, whispering words of apology and admiration. And to his amazement, the bull lowered its head, as if in acceptance of his gesture.

    From that day forth, Diego Montoya vowed to never again raise a weapon against such noble creatures. For he had learned that true courage lies not in the thrill of the fight, but in the courage to stand up for what is right, even in the face of tradition and expectation.

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    #bullfight #bull #fighter #spanish #man #beast

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