"Man" Is Only But A Fleeting Frame...

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Just like we know, there's a time for everything under the sun, a time to be born and a time to die including a time to be buried, and Friday, the 23rd of February 2024 became the day Pa Benjamin Obiwe was laid to rest from whence he came from and that is the fate of every human for we are dust and to dust we shall return to when our own time comes.

    Late Pa Benji is the father of one of my former course mate's and a close friend too way back in the tertiary institution. As it is one of our traditions to join any of our members in giving the last respect to their late parents, I, with some of my former course mates were there to share in his grief and lend our support too.

    My former course mates with the chief mourner

    The funeral ceremony was a solemn one as family members, relatives far and near, friends, associates, church members, ministers and christian ministries where Late Pa Benji worshiped and served during his sojourn in life were in attendance.

    During words of exhortation, the minister enjoined everyone not to be like the selfish rich fool in Matthew gospel 12:16-21, who hallowed himself above God and prided in his riches and harvest forgetting that it was God who blessed him, but rather we should acknowledge God, our creator always as the source of our gifts - material, financial, spiritual, etc and to use them in serving Him and humanity - for that is the essence of getting those gifts.

    Before his death, he was sick for many years, which stemmed from the death of his second son and last child in a youthful age first, and that of his wife too.

    The choir rendered soul searching and melodious hymns to the glory of God.

    The time came for testimonies on the life and times of Late Pa Benjamin Obiwe and the people who did affirmed to him being a born again christian, a lover of God and humanity, who served God faithfully and obediently. It was said that he was the one who brought and helped establish a church in his village and equally ensured that people within and around his village turned to Christ. Even in all the churches where he worshipped he didn't relent in bringing souls to Christ, no wonder there were so many people who testified to it.

    One of things that stood out for me when his first grand son was testifying was his concluding words;

    Ensure to give those who have shown you love, care and impacted your life positively their flowers when they are alive because a time will come when you won't see them again.

    These words pierced through my heart and I became sober while going down memory lane remembering how I failed to give a dear older friend one last flower before he passed on two years ago. This late friend, a priest suffered from a terminal illness for so many years, even before I got to know him but he didn't allow it get the better of him nor stop him from carrying out his priestly duties.
    Due to the condition of his health he often had crises, but will always pull through. I remember in 2019 which was the last time I saw him because I usually visit him during my vacation, he wasn't too strong and I got to find out that he was just recuperating from one of those crises. Then I wished a miracle could happen so he will be made whole, but it never did, well he had life and that was the greatest miracle.
    I could recall what he told me the day I was leaving;

    This might be the last time you will visit me in this parish because soon I may be on transfer or travel.....

    I didn't put the the words to heart and told him that I will still try to visit wherever he might be but I never did again. Maybe he knew his time was nearing because each time we talk over the phone, he would always ask "when is your leave, when are you visiting me?" and "soon" was always my reply but that soon never came.

    Even few weeks before he passed away I had called and was told that he was in a critical condition at the hospital, I still didn't go to see him. I had high hopes that he would survive it, as usual and probably visit when it was convenient for me but this time he opted for eternal rest, never to suffer again.

    It took me a long time to get over the news of his death, each time I remember him, I will tear up. I had deep regrets for not heeding to his call of visit. I was able to attend his funeral just like I have for Pa Benji, that's the least we can do for the dead.

    **This is a wake up call for us to reach out to those who have been there for us - family members, friends, business associates, teachers, ministers, colleagues etc and show them love appreciation now that they are alive. We are to live and celebrate life and not death. **

    Just like Apostle Paul said in 2nd Timothy 4:7

    Pa Benji has fought the good fight, he has finished the race and has kept the faith...

    Taking the corpse to be laid to rest.

    He has now gone to receive his reward leaving us to continue with ours pending when our clock will stop ticking and we bow to death.

    More Photos

    With the chief mourner, my former course mate

    One of the daughters and some choir members rendering special number for Late Pa Benji

    Prayer session for the family

    This post is for the themed day - Sunday Reflections And Insightful Sunday

    Still the #threadsaddict 😂

    All Images Are Mine

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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