Minimalist Foundation......Kiss blog idea #98.

in voilk •  5 months ago


    A minimalist is someone who lives a simple and uncluttered life. It's the art that pursues simplicity, usefulness and clarity. Minimalism should in no way be tied to poverty or lack because minimalism is a lifestyle and an art, something that is quite deeper than what meets the eye.

    What sparked your minimalist journey?

    Let's just say that I was born into minimalist family. I wasn't born with a silver spoon but I had a spoon in my mouth nonetheless. My family was comfortable and could afford what we needed but never did I see my parents buy things just for the sake of it. They only bought what was needed for the family per time.

    My dad was scrupulous when it came to buying and paying for things, thus there was no way of telling lies just to get more money from him. Whenever I came back home with a bill to be paid in school, he would directly contact the school to verify. One day, I got a scolding just for inflating my P.T.A fees in school with 10%. I never tried it again 😁.


    My parents played a major role in helping me live a simple life. I had sufficient toys and dolls but not in excess. I was taught to part with my old stuff, once I got new ones as there was no space for cluttering...according to my mum.

    I learnt about recycling at home even before it was taught to me within the four walls of a school. I would often watch my mum convert beverage tins and cans to useful items in the kitchen. Some of these tins we used for pot plants in planting flowers which decorated our balcony. Even my first piggy bank was a recycled beverage tin.


    I never chased what was in Vogue or what was being hyped at the moment especially in fashion, I learnt to live within my means and this has carried on till date.

    I am truly grateful for my upbringing because looking at the downward slope of my country's economy, it's not easy surviving these days but I have been able to pull through because of my minimalist lifestyle.

    Some colleagues and friends of mine lament heavily about how the cost of goods skyrocket by the minute but yet they still want to maintain their extravagant lifestyles rather than cut down to size.

    As a minimalist, I have no problem with having less because to me less is more.

    Thank you for reading..shalom.

    Images used are mine.

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