Kinetic Fun — Perpetual Motion Simulator

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello StemSocial Community! Welcome to my blog. Today, I was reading my 11th Grade Physics Book suddenly I have read and recalled my all memories regarding Law of Conversation of Energy that I had learned during my student era. This Law stated that,

    Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can be transferred from one form to another form.



    Simply, energy is invisible constant fact of nature. It has found in very different forms like Potential Energy, Solar Energy, Electrical Energy, Kinetic Energy, Chemical Energy etc. It's all forms are the source of sustaining different physical Phenomena. Every system in our planet needs energy. Either they are planets around the sun or our moon around the earth all are working with energy. Although it looked plants are working perpetually but when we read their chemistry, all things become revered. After reading this Law, I started asking one question from myself,

    Is there be any system that can work without energy?

    This question was quite disturbing for me because when I see around me that there are thousands systems which are dependent on energy. I was looking for self-sustainable system that work perfectly and maintain itself without external assistance. It will be revolutionary idea to have one perpetual machine that is giving us output but not needed any input energy. When I read history that when I 'm thinking this question, why did scientists not work regarding it? This history opened my eyes that Scientist had worked a lot on it and had done their best but this system looked impossible. It looked that God has taken all the power of Perpetual System by Himself. There are some Hypothetical Machines that can perform practically the idea of Perpetual motion System. You should see this video,

    The bobs needed work to do circular motion on the plate of this Simulator. This work is changed into Kinetic energy and this system starts perpetual motion that is fun to be seen.



    Although above perpetual motion simulator is costly to buy but we can perform a demo simulator easily at our home.
    For this purpose, we need following things.

    • Wheel
    • 4-6 Bottle depending on circumference of the Wheel
    • Water
    • Binder string or glue


    We need to fill each bottle with water in its 1/4 portion then we need to fix all bottles properly on the wheel with binder strictly. For smooth motion of the wheel, we need to move wheel by giving first jerk. Then this wheel will perform Perpetual Motion. The water in the bottles will make a gradient that will sustain this wheel motion. By spinning of the wheel, we can use this mechanical energy for bulb. It is very simple experiment we can do at our home. It is much similar experiment done by most famous Indian Mathematician Bhaskara with a little bit difference.



    Law of Conservation of Energy is the most accepted fact of Nature. The Perpetual Motion Simulator violates Law of Conversation of energy. On Big Scale, we have friction and air resistance in our system that stopped Perpetual motion on large scale for big purpose. This hypothetical motion looked impossible. Might be a system that will work on zero energy but it is providing energy output but this Physical Controversy is still present on our planet. I hope, we shall be able to see one perpetual machine soon but it looked a long wait.

    This is my post about Perpetual Motion Simulator. I hope, you enjoyed my post. Thanks!


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