Fancy a Way Out of This Misery? LET'S TALK SOME SOLUTIONS!

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Extricate yourself from Hellworld

    You want solutions, let's talk. This list was compiled a while back and shared with some valiant compatriots and on my Odysee channel. They thought it should be shared widely and so I've done just that here. Big ups and massive respect to my best mate brother Jin over at Jin, The Sojourner if you're ready for the real head on over there. Bring tight and strong game, the lad's not fookin' about and means to be free. Make take sure to check out his absolutely MUST SEE reality calibration videos and tell him I sent ya.

    Now, lets get at it shall we...

    1. Remove ALL of your funds from the banking system except for minimal operating capital to satisfy bills. This financial repository and pluder by tax are the main sources of revenue to make war on you with. Dry up the war chests, make banker gangsters dig into own their pockets deep to carry out their machinations.

    2. Absolutely refuse to comply with criminal and self-destructive demands by gangster authorities. Easy and bloodless, when we all just say no, ridicule the sub-human predator class and refuse to cooperate. They need our full cooperation to pull off every campaign of war they wage against the citizenry.

    3. Cancel mass media and commercial television from your life immediately and completely. Read books, create, garden and communicate and befriend other citizens to work together on common local projects and community needs. Collaborate and build the world you want, it stops with severing PSYOP access to your emotions and cognitive faculties.

    4. Go back to the old ways and abandon the system. Grow your own food, learn ALL practical skills and mobilise with like-minded compatriots. Save and collect seeds of ALL kinds, in addition to: fishing gear, farming tools, construction tools, medical supplies, hunting gear, camping gear, arms and ammunition. Teach what you know to others connected to reality without demanding nor requesting one thing in return.

    5. Grow your own food, collaborate and cultivate. Collect rain water for gardening which delivers energised nutrients absent in filtered or processed water. Are you an elder with land space but too old to do the heavy cultivation work? Collaborate with young genuine people on code to create a mutually beneficial micro-farming space.

    6. Embrace the sacred and Divine, they're waiting on you to get your shit together and align with your destiny to fulfil the purpose you were born here to do. Get connected, protected and directed and carry on.

    7. Become feral, independent and self-sufficient. Barter and trade locally in your community, then expand it out exponentially to do the same with other communities of valiant citizens for diverse goods and services.

    8. Organise and enact days of ZERO purchasing. Pick one day where NO ONE buys ANYTHING AT ALL, expand as necessary but start with one day. Make gifts on Christmas or buy from local businesses and DO NOT purchase ANYTHING from Amazon, etc. This discipline takes you from child to adult in the way your enemies see, respect and fear you.

    9. Ridicule ALL political leaders, celebrities, influencers and other PSYOP agents, refuse to recognise their authority and swipe left on them all. Citizen power or fuck all nothing. Express your righteous indignation and always be your authentic core self, you don't like what's going on? Don't sit there like livestock and accept the unacceptable. Stand to the fore, reclaim your individual power and it will magnify as others doing the same galvanise. A single drop of water might have power to short out electronics but drops consolidated and united become a tsunami of unstoppable force.

    10. Mobilise people with skills and create sustainable independent communities, (think of towns like in the American old West). Secure some land and work with competent, committed others to build and establish self-sustainable independent communities. Network with other indie communities and establish barter and trade systems. This is how tribes around the world functioned and tribe fix a lot of broken people, ideas and environments. They give men, women and communities a strong code to walk in.

    11. Establish powerful and sustainable Community Repair Cafés:

    12. There's an old American saying from the '70's that goes, "Free your mind, and your ass will follow" meaning that self-work is critical to deprogram and unlearn shite slave thinking we all were groomed and indoctrinated into to transition into servile, lobotomised livestock. Work to gain mastery over yourself and raise your inherent self-value, none but the broken and servile deserve despotic shitworld.


    Ask yourself this one essential question:


    If your answer is an emphatic NO! then congratulations, you've made the first step to recovery, reclaiming power and healing. Stay feral, free and capable and rejoin humanity. If your answer was A pathetic YES, then drag your pathetic, devalued self to shoppes to pick out accessories to go with your chains on death row.

    These are but a few unspoken methods that achieve lasting results quickly and cause serious effects. You will NOT get out of this situation by resisting in comfort and sitting on your ass awaiting a magic saviour. NO ONE is coming to save you.

    Skills to learn build and master to build independent, sustainable communities
    • Farming
    • Nursing/Practical Medical Care
    • Homeopathic Medical Treatment
    • Traditional Natural and Traditional Chinese Medicine
    • Medicinal Herbology and Field Medicine
    • Raising Livestock
    • Hunting and trapping
    • Lumberjack
    • Fishing
    • Butcher
    • Construction Housing Engineer
    • Plumber
    • Electrician
    • Telecommunications
    • Ironsmith
    • Mechanic
    • Tailoring and Clothing production
    • Cobbler aka Shoe Making and repair
    • Tactical security
    • Bushcraft
    Below Are Strategies That Can Be Enacted Now and to great effect When Conducted En Masse.
    1. Mobilise to not buy ANYTHING on a selected day just for 24 hours.

    2. Next stage, call a national strike for a day where NO ONE goes to work (just call out sick, take the day off, whatever). Immediately STOP buying needless, extraneous disposable goods and do most of your buying from small local businesses. ESPECIALLY during Christmas, where they rake in the MOST revenues for predator class war chests.

    Watch how fast and immediate the effect is and how it gets their attention quick. If you can barter for goods and services, start doing this NOW and if you have to buy anything, always use cash. Remove ALL your money from banking institutions, retirement accounts a.k.a. The Wall Street Ponzi casino. Only retain minimal transactional capital reserved for payment of bills.

    Don't stop there, once the discipline is built, increase the NO BUY DAY to 48 hours, and National Strike to 2 days. Rinse, repeat and increase as necessary. It's non-violent, absolutely EFFECTIVE and shows them that you're a chess player that delivers consequences for impositions of tyranny.


    Post art by the ever brilliant Bob Moran.

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