The disappointing and unfair situations

in voilk •  4 months ago
    We live in a world where the rich, valuable and wealthy get the most treatment while the poor, middle class and less valuable people are treated unjustly. Every body wants to rip out other peoples pocket just to add the loot to their stack. In other to be successful in today's world, there are two things involved, what you have upstairs and who has you upstairs. Who is willing to go the ends of the earth for you, your connections. Without these two qualities, then there is a high chance of you getting unfairly treated wherever you go.

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    Being a person who is not rich, not in the middle class and not poor as well, there are times where I have been treated unjustly and unfairly for no reason.

    It all started when I went to visit my uncle. I just finished my school, so I went to my uncle's place to pay him a visit and also, tell him the news of my graduation from school.

    I got to his house on a Saturday evening and he welcomed me happily. We exchanged pleasantries. How is your mother, he asked. She is very fine thank you sir, I replied. He continued with some questions and I was giving appropriate answers while asking some too. After that, I got inside the room he prepared for me, refreshed, ate and rested.

    Hoping that the night will be long so I could get enough sleep, the day broke faster than expected. My uncles last born came to my room to call me for morning prayers which I hurriedly went to attend. On reaching there, I wanted to sit on the couch but he stopped me and said i should get a chair. A small chair made for children. I stopped and looked at him in shock. Sir? I asked and he replied: carry that chair there and sit down, you must not sit down on the couch. I turned to look at other people and they were comfortably seated on the couch, including his children. I went, got be chair and sat down without asking further questions. The prayers started but I could not concentrate.

    What just happened? I asked my self. In the presence of all these people, my juniors. This man said should sit on an uncomfortable chair that was made for children? "I must not seat on the couch." After much thoughts, the prayer was about to end so I had to force myself to focus. After that, he called me to his room and asked me to dress his bed. I looked at him in the same manner, with surprises written all over my face. Unlike him, he has house helps to do this. Maybe he just wants his person to do something for him, I said to my self. I carried out his orders and left.

    He called me back again when he returned and said: look at the bed a midwife dressed. When he said that, I immediately understood what was actually happening. I smiled and arranged the bed again.

    Handling these events was really tough. I was heart broken and felt really embarrassed when he told me to sit on a child's chair, I must not sit on the couch. It was like he trying to downgrade me in the presence of everyone.

    After he said what he said, I understood what was going on and decided to relax my mind for a bit before processing everything. I thought to myself, is it that this man is not in support of my success? What's with all these? Well, I guess this place is not as welcoming as it used to be.

    The disappointment that came with this thought was really high and I actually felt like crying. Why will my uncle not be in support of my success? Obviously, i could not ask him directly.

    I had to take preventive measures and terminated my stay in his house. I was supposed to stay for a week in his place, but because of these things, I left that same day. I just gave him and excuse that I had to attend a workshop in another state the next day so I had to travel that day. I told him that I was reminded of the importance of the workshop that day, so I could not miss it.

    He told me to come back immediately after the workshop. He said he wanted me to help him in some aspects of his business and I told him okay. After travelling, that was the last day I went there. When igbos get jealous as this, they tend to do the unthinkable and I obviously do not want to be a scape goat. Though he is my uncle, he can still do regrettable things.

    I have not yet entirely moved past it though. I still feel disappointed, disrespected and unfairly treated but well, in cases like these, the sentence: "life always happens," is my coping mechanism to let it temporarily off of my chest.

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    Thank you for reading 😊

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