Bugging Out Will No Longer Work. You Really Need To Choose Which Life You Want.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Many preppers have plans to bug-out when the SHTF.
    They believe that when things start to get dicey, they will be able to get packed, and out on the road before all the rest of the city people clog up all the freeways leading out. They will get out to their bug-out location (often a family member out in the country) and they will be safe. Then they can wait till the whole thing blows over, and then go back.

    I am writing this blog because, as i see things unfolding, the idea of running to bug-out location will not work in most of the situations we will be facing. And their will be no going back.

    At this junction in time, it is becoming more and more apparent that each person will have to decide which side of the fence they are going to take. No more fence sitting.

    Holding onto the past, and the way things used to be will likely get you runover, flattened, imprisoned or worse. Things are changing. Radically, although the MSM is doing their best to say its fine, its all normal. It is not. The mother WEFers have plans. Mother nature has plans. The Universe has plans. You may be the only one without plans.

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    What we are up against

    The WEF has decided they want complete control over the world. They are planning to buy up everything, and leave the people with nothing. They plan to move the population in 15 minute, panopticon, open air prisons.

    To do this, the WEF is working on controlling all food, water, electricity, automobiles… everything that can be used to control people's decisions.

    The WEF is moving armies of non-native populations into areas to destabilize them and maybe to use them as an army against the people who call that nation their home.

    The supply network is breaking down. The infrastructure is breaking down. A very real danger is that food cannot, or will not be shipped to your area.

    We are at the part of the ice-age where things really start to get cold. Month long winter storms are coming. Rivers freezing solid. Growing food will be harder. Keeping your house warm will be much harder.

    Civil wars are coming. We aren't going to be having WWIII, mostly because people are going to be fighting their neighbors. NATO is going to fall apart, and all over Europe, the lines on the map are going to move.

    So, expect cities to become mostly fiery, and not at all peaceful protest spots. With foreign, paid, bad-actors helping out. Expect martial law and food rationing. And their will be stipulations like "you must be VAXXXed" or whatever the outrage de'jour is.

    The big cities will not be a very good place to be.

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    There is really only two choices

    So many people want to keep their house that they worked so hard to get, in the suburbs. They want to keep their job (even though they hate it) They want to keep their life style. If they are of the prepper mindset, they want to just store enough food to get across the bad spots and wait for things to return to normal.

    This is a choice that many people are making by default.

    The other choice is moving near to like minded people and starting a homestead. Learn to grow most of your own food. Trade with your friends and neighbors for things you don't have. Build a life that will feed and support you no matter how much the world does, or does not fall apart.

    This choice has been seeing people who are much more satisfied with their lives after the move.

    There is also the van life, the mobile life, the working on the beach life, the mountain hiking life, but all of these require a good deal of society and infrastructure to stay work for this to stay viable. And, although you can get away from most impending danger, you have no staying power. So, it really isn't an option. At least by itself.

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    Get off the fence

    Finally getting to what this blog was started for, you really have to make a choice. Because the only thing bugging-out is useful for is short term problems, such as a hurricane. The problems that are coming are not short term. The problems that are coming are not small. The problems that are coming are extremely life changing.

    It is not untoward to say you are choosing between FEMA camp and your homestead.

    I hope it doesn't get that bad, but they built the FEMA camps for a reason. (why aren't they using them during this explosion of migrants?)

    So, if you choose to stay in the city/suburb you are going to find that control is going to keep creeping into your life. Your food will be restricted. Your fuel will be restricted. Where you go will start to be restricted. Of course all of these things will have a "peaceful protest" that sparks legislation that compels people to do the things the govern-cement/WEF wants you to do.

    The opposite side of this is group of homesteaders. And you will need a group, because you are going have to defend yourself from thugs and govern-cement thugs. It would be nice if the bureaucrats would just leave you alone, but they aren't designed to do so. And people will be trying to escape the cities. And, they will often be desperate, and lacking in morals.

    This is why you need to leave soon. You need time to get to know people. You cannot just show up and expect a group to accept you. Even if you own the property next to theirs.

    Community will be very important in the future.
    It is best to start on that as early as possible.

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    Things are going to hit one after another.
    I doubt there will be a "normal" until 50 years have passed.

    We live in a time when we are going to have to confront all the evil we let run around and take over our govern-cements.

    On top of that, we are going to have to deal with the divisions in our society. There are going to be a lot of unhappy people, and they are going to try to force their viewpoints on others. These will work out as, you do your thing over there, we will do our thing over here. But, until then, we will probably have quite a few clashes. Civil wars.

    And add the weather changes that are going to be taking place because ice-age.

    Everything is going to be disrupted. Especially the suburban lifestyle.

    So, i really suggest you start looking for like minded people with which to form a homesteading community.

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    All images in this post are my own original creations.

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