After getting fixed myself, my job was to meet Dex.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The thumbnail was created in Canva.

    He said the client would tell me about the job face to face and I was okay with it so we need to meet the client for that but before that, we should meet Vektor to get my V fixed.

    Where were we? Oh yeah, we need to meet Vektor first and then the client my partner in crime Jackie Welles was talking about.

    In 2077, we might have the option to call our car at our location no matter where we'd be. I noticed the option of calling companions like dogs or horses in games but this is the first time I've witnessed that we can call our ride, and it comes to our location automatically, and there was our car waiting for us.

    Driving a car in such a cyber city was fun and everything around looked so cool I felt like I stopping everywhere and taking as many pictures as I could. I noticed some differences in the photo mode when I was riding the car. The photo mode gave me some presets though I could edit them as I wished.

    I was driving to the Ripperdoc to meet Vektor.

    I noticed a crime scene on our way so I stopped there to take a look. NCPD were investigating the area and I jumped on a police car to get a good photo of them with the fear of getting thrashed by the police but they didn't say anything.

    Reaching the location, we walked to meet the Ripperdoc leaving our car behind. Even though it was daytime, the whole place was dark because of all the tall buildings around.

    We entered this new area which is Misty's Estorica and that lady there is Misty, who is probably an assistant of Doctor Vektor and she said the Doctor would see me now.

    Jackie started firing with her and I was on my way to Doctor Vektor.

    There was this stray cat on my way whom I could pet but look how it looked towards me after I adorned it. Scary cat.

    And this lady was drinking a can sitting right beside the cat and she was saying she could help me if I was lonely. Damn, she's a prostitute looking for customers in there although I didn't find any option to continue the conversation.

    On the other side, I noticed three people. One looked like a beggar, another one was using a laptop and another one was warming himself up using flame. I started messing with the ladies who looked like a beggar and who were using the laptop and they left the place.

    And this man looked cool and was getting himself warmed up. I noticed he had an artificial hand and the way he wore that hoodie, looked so cool that I couldn't resist myself from capturing this photo.

    Then I met my doctor and there he was watching a boxing competition on TV and after telling him I needed his assistance, he got up and asked me to lie on that big chair.

    He gave me the option to choose what I needed to upgrade and I needed to pay him for certain things although my V was talking about paying him later for the initial treatment.

    At first, the doctor used a machine to do something on the palm of the right hand of my V and he used that big machine that looked like a stun gun to do an anesthetic.

    Then he worked on the eyes and it looked like he plucked out the eyes of my V as everything went darker he placed the eye on the table when I could see and it seemed like I was there on the table but my body was still on the chair.

    It's done, I had some mechanism on the palm of my right hand and I got the eyes upgraded so I can use them as a cool scanner. The doctor asked me to take the medicine he gave me and to remember to dosage.

    Coming out of the doctor's chamber, I found this kid outside holding a gun. When I was using the photo mode, the kid was disappearing but I could see him without photo mode. Was he a ghost?

    I had to talk to Jackie now and found him taking treatment by Misty or I don't know what they were doing actually.

    Coming out of the Ripperdoc alone, I noticed this artificial strip club where people could enjoy pole dancing from outside and I noticed a crime scene where police were using tech to witness the crime as if it was happening right in front of their eyes.

    I was driving alone to meet with Dex who is the client Jackie was talking about before and Dex wished to meet me alone.

    Meet Dex who looked like a macho man having an artificial arm and looked damn rich.

    Dex and my V started talking about the job and they sounded like the job he was offering was a risky one but V took it after knowing the risk.

    Then Dex left me out of nowhere and drove off though I shouldn't have a problem with this as I can all my ride, my car wherever I wish to. I was exploring that place a little after this and I was even trying to mess up with the police.

    The next thing I need to do is go to Lizzie's Bar between 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM though I have no idea where Lizzie's Bar is. What happened later? We'll talk about that in my next post.

    ** The End **

    "Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"

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