My Actifit Report Card: June 29 2024

in voilk •  2 days ago

    Hey Actifitters,

    The very humid heat was back again yesterday, very uncomfortable. So after a very late start, as always on week ends, we started slowly. But I found plenty to do inside the house, where the A/C kept a nice temperature. But later in the afternoon, of course we planned our long walk with Kaia. Before we started, I sprayed her with the garden hose, making sure the water reached her under coat, so that it would keep her cool for some time.

    As usual, our first stop was behind the front yard. I noticed that for the second day in a row, Kaia spent time in the same area of the front yard, and I quickly understood why. Even I could smell the stench. Two dead raccoons were providing a feast to thousands of maggots. Obviously I'm not going to include any photos, but believe me, it was quite disgusting. That reminded me of the strange raccoon from a couple days ago. Like I mentioned, it seems disoriented, almost like drunk. So I started wondering if maybe some neighbors used poison and killed these two raccoons. And that made me very worried as I hadn't seen Le Chat since the night before (no worries by the way, when I let Kaia out around 1am, she came back 15 minutes later with Le Chat, a healthy Le Chat. She probably just found something interesting to do in the woods around the yard). Anyways, Kaia really wanted to check these dead raccoons, and I obviously didn't want her to.

    The best option was simply to walk to the forest (where we also found a dead raccoon a few days ago...).

    We could for sure see the effect of the heavy rain overnight and in the morning. Of course, that blur in the corner is Kaia rushing into the puddle...

    She's so happy splashing around!

    Even with the heat, we made our quick detour for a couple of Cubiverse vaults. Unlike most days, the sun was still high above the trees.

    Kaia could cool down in all the other puddles we found when we went back into the forest.

    She could do that all day!

    Our loops in the neighborhood on our way back were a bit shorter than usual, but we didn't skip them completely.

    We still had daylight after we came back and I felt I needed more exercise. It was too hot for a run, so I decided to go cycling for a bit. Not very long though, as the sun was already very low on the horizon.

    I found some interesting clouds formations before it got really dark.

    And that was it for the day's activities. Step count is over the bar in #poprzeczka competition. My original goal was to resist until the end of the month, now I think I can maybe go a few more days. We'll see how the week starts.
    As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Cycling, Daily Activity, Walking

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