How To Get Rich, Be Rich, and Stay Rich - During the Greatest Wealth Transfer ever

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Most lottery winners are broker five years after they won, than they were before they won.

    If you do not know how to handle money before you get lots of money, then you will not know how to handle money after you get lots of money. AKA, lots of money does not make you rich.

    Further, if you do not learn how to make money, you will be afraid of losing your money, so you will (most likely) lose your money.

    Coming up is the greatest wealth transfer in history.

    And we need to know how to handle it.

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    They say that if you took all the money away from a rich person, that they would make it all back within a year (or three).

    If you take everything away from a poor person, they would still be poor every time you checked on them.
    If you gave the poor person a pile of money, they would still be poor, and penniless when you come back to check on them.

    Being rich / poor is a state of mind. Sorta.

    • If you do not think you can become rich, you are right.
    • If you hate money, money will leave you and find some other place to be.
    • If you do not understand that currency is supposed to flow, you will end up holding nothing
    • If you do not know the ways of making money, you will be forever a poor employee
    • If you do not know how to invest your money, it will evaporate.

    So, if you want to be rich you need to do two things.

    1. clear all the mental blocks you have to being wealthy
    2. learn how to make money

    Most books on the subject of money do not cover both parts.

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    We, the people on the leading edge of new money (crypto-currency) need to learn how to be rich / how to think rich.

    We will probably not be rich like the Kard-ass-ians pretend to be, but we will be very wealthy compared to the average person in our areas. And it will fall upon us to help rebuild society / infrastructure.

    We will need to be able to see opportunities where a little money will help.

    And, every profitable venture, makes all involved richer.

    A personal business is not like a corporation. A profitable business makes everyone who touches it more wealthy.

    A corporation, on the other hand, sucks the life out of everyone near it, to enrich a few that own stock, or control the corporation.

    So, we will need a lot more businesses soon. Not only do we need to think rich, we will also need to understand business.

    Because we have come to the point of the great reset, and things will change. We can be the change we want to see.

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    The Elite Own Everything

    The Khazarian Mafia [KM], the rots-childs, the rock-e-persons, the banksters, those mother WEFers have controlled our money for a long time.

    They did this by indoctrinating everyone into how to be poor (financial literacy is not taught in schools).

    The [KM] went around and bought up, threatened, enticed politicians and even murdered (Titanic sinking) all the people into letting them have complete control of the money supply.

    The [KM] slowly turned all money into unbacked fiat currency. Meaning they changed the rules of how money worked over time.

    The [KM] then sucked all the wealth out of all the people.

    Now, we are at the end of that. And, the beginning of "The Great Reset"
    Meaning, that if they continue playing monopoly, people realize that one player owns everything and they have no chance of winning, nor breaking even. So, they need to reset things before someone flips over the table.

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    This time it is different

    And then, bitcoin was created. Real, trackable, traceable, auditable, money.

    If this was any other time, the [KM] would buy up all the bitcoin, and continue, but what is happening along with crypto-currency is that people are learning of the evil games the banksters play.

    And soon, no one will deal with the banksters.
    The banksters will think they own everything, but a slight shift, and no one will want what they have.

    Banksters get all the houses by foreclosing on all of them.
    People leave the cities for small communities out in the countryside.
    The suburban houses are no worthless.

    Banksters acquire all the gold
    People see that only the bad people (thugs in uniforms) are being paid in gold
    The farmers stop accepting gold as payment for food.

    In other words, the rug is being pulled out from under the banksters, by the universe.
    Leaving them thinking they own all the valuable stuff, while people leave that shit to rot and create new valuable stuff.

    The banksters will not be able to launch new ponzi schemes (like The US dollar) nor will they be allowed to create mortgages. People will see through that evil, and stop it in its tracks.

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    The people who will be rich in the future will be those who see the changes coming and move before the old stuff is left to rot.

    But this is the definition of being rich. Someone who knows how to make money. Someone who sees an opportunity and capitalizes on it.

    And there will be lots of opportunities in the future.

    Further, with solid money coming back into being, the normal person can easily save their money. Bitcoin will not rot or dwindle away. In fact, it will probably become more valuable as time goes by.

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    All images in this post are my own original creations.

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