Rising Star: Card Recommendations, Prices, Market History, statistics. 15/4/2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings to all dear friends of Rising Star. What a pleasure to be back with you again to bring you a new publication. In this case it is the second post I do recommending the best cards available based on their prices by Starbits. This post is useful for today, 15/4/2024.

    Today I hope to present to you From cards that boost your fans to those that improve your Luck, Skill, IM. In addition I will cover all the stats needed for each music lesson, such as: singing, guitar, Drums, Piano, Orchestra, Production and cart equipment.

    It is important to remember that while this publication will offer you a useful guide, you should not take it as an absolute truth. The dynamics of the game can change quickly, and it is always advisable to do your own research and analysis before making important decisions.

    Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this series and find the recommendations useful to enhance your Rising Star experience.


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    R370 Touring Coach

    First of all we have R370 Touring Coach. At the moment this card is one of the most profitable cards to raise fans quickly, because its price is 65 starbits/per fan. In total the card costs: 35750 starbits.



    Features include: 550 fans, 3 luck and 3 IM.

    R449 Native 600

    Another good card you can buy is R449 Native 600, which is currently on the market at a price of 65.2 starbits per fan. The card costs a total of 23500 starbits.



    Among the advantages offered are: 360 fans, 4 luck and 3 IM.


    Well now it's time for the luck card recommendations. As you probably know luck is the one that allows you to get more drunk fans and get extra profits at certain times. Well here are the most recommended of the day.

    R474 Bass Clarinet

    The most recommended card to increase luck at the moment is: R474 Bass Clarinet. This card has a price in the game market of 45,4 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 2274 starbits. Which undoubtedly makes it the best choice. This card offers you 50 luck.




    Now it's time to see the best cards that give us skill. The skill allows us to fight the ego generated by doing missions in the game or buying fans in the market, as well as the drunks. Well, let's see the cards:

    R487 Lee

    At this time the most recommended card to increase the skill at the best price is: R487 Lee, because it has a price of 51.8 starbits per skill. The card costs a total of 7k starbits. Among its features are 135 skill, 45 fans, 4 luck, 2 IM.




    Do you want to be the best in the game ranking and be one of the best rising stars in the game? Well say no more, here I bring you the best cards to increase your IM today.

    R489 Angelina

    Right now the best card to increase your MI is: R489 Angelina. You can buy this card for 1960 starbits per IM. The common card costs in total: 9800 starbits. The card offers you: 120 Fans, 115 Skill, 4 luck, 5 IM.



    Music Lessons

    As we all know with the music lessons we gain skill and then with that skill we fight the ego. Well for that we need instruments for each lesson, as is the case of singing, guitars, drums and many more. In this section I am going to show you the best card based on its price for each specific skill.

    Singing Instruments:

    i212 IC24

    For singing lessons the most recommended is: i212 IC24. This card costs 54 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 54 starbits. Among its features, it offers 1 luck per card.



    Guitar Lessons.

    R478 Travel Bass

    For guitar lessons the best card is: R478 Travel Bass. This card costs 53,4 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 2672. Gives you: 50 Luck



    Drum Lessons:

    R445 Brass Singing Bowl

    For drum lessons the best card is: R445 Brass Singing Bowl. This card costs 54,9 starbits per luck. The card costs in total: 2745 starbits and gives you 50 luck.



    Production Lessons:

    R226 Toy Piano

    The best card for production lessons is: R226 Toy Piano. This card currently costs: 50 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 2500 starbits. And it offers you: 50 Luck.



    Keyboard lessons:

    E218 Sub Machine

    In the case of Keyboard Lessons the best card is: E218 Sub Machine. This card costs 49,2 starbits per luck. The total cost of the card is: 9851. It gives you: 200 Luck.



    Orchestra Lessons

    E228 Mahogany Viola

    The best card for orchestra lessons is still: E228 Mahogany Viola . This card currently costs: 45 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 9009 starbits. And it offers you: 200 Luck.



    Transportation Lessons:

    L75 Vacation Wagon

    The best card for Transportation Lessons is: L75 Vacation Wagon. This card currently costs: 1500 starbits per luck. The card costs in total 750000 starbits. And it offers you: 500 Luck, 7k fans and 150 IM.



    Well friends this is the publication of today 15/4/2024, I hope you find it useful. I am open to suggestions for future publications, and thus improve the statistics. See you in a new publication. Have a nice day.

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