in voilk •  3 months ago


    This ruleset has been the topic of battle mage secrets in the previous week, you could find my previous post here. As I have mentioned before, Fire & Regret is the least intimidating compared to the other counter abilities. Ranged cards are easily subtituted by melee cards and magic cards. Ranged card are somehow have less defense measure than the rest. Melee and magic cards respectively got a handful card with Shield and Void which could cut down the counter damage, but ranged cards are rarely have these both.

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    Pros & Cons

    1. Fire & Regret ruleset trigger return damage based on hit made using ranged attack. So literally having stronger melee card and magic card are an advantage. But any opponents would deploy Thorns or Void in anticipation in anticipation of more melee card and ranged card being used.
    1. Compared to Briar Patch and Counterspell ruleset, Fire & Regret ruleset have the least impact. The reason is Briar Patch will deal full return damage (although still capped at 2 damage), while Counterspell will deal half return damage, but could also be triggered by missed magic attack.
    2. Ranged card and magic card are the only attack type card able to launch direct attack into the first row. With limitation on ranged attack, there's higher probability to face more magic card from the back row. So bringing Void or Void Armor for the your Tanker would be an advantage.

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    Best Cards To Use

    I would say that Void and Void Armor will be in a greater importance under this ruleset. Mainly because magic cards is the only substitute for ranged cards to strike from the rear position. Ujurak Mystic, Thanalorian Scion, and Nalara Geinek are some of the best choices for this ruleset.

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    So here we have the battle experience with Fire & Regret the ruleset. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


    The battle has a maximum 21 mana cap, with Equalizer, Fire & Regret, and What Doesn't Kill You set as the rulesets. Only Fire, Water, and Life Splinter are allowable.

    I'm short on a handicap here, having only Level 4 Summoner against Level 7 Summoner. As usual under the Equalizer ruleset, the best strategy is to focus on high damage cards while expecting their health to be upgraded with the highest health card in the arena. And of course avoid ranged cards since its Fire & Regret.

    I decided to go with Tarsa utilizing its melee damage buff. Then I pick Exploding Rats to lead the frontline for its Blast ability. Ant Miners are useful for its Scavenger, and a good backup plan in case the health didn't go up substantially. In the 3rd row there is Serpentine Spy which deal 2 damage for a 3 mana cost only. The rear squad are combination of Weapon Training with 2 (two) non-attack cards. This is a contingency plan against armored cards.

    To my suprise, my opponent decided to go with Gellatinous Cube, a non-attack card with gargantuan 14 health. This will surely stretch the whole battle into long run with such health. Not only that Cube has Heal which heal a third of its max health and rounded up. There's also Ant Miners in the formation which followed by Chaos Agent. The rear squad looks solid with 2 (two) card having Sneak while dealing 2 melee damage (+1 from the Malric Inferno damage buff). Goblin Shaman are a minor card and could be ignored.



    The battle run through the 1st and 2nd round in quick succession. Elven Cutthroat and Uraeus deliver consistent blow into Scavo Chemist. But the worst of it is the fact that Uraeus could apply Poison as well. Gellatinous Cube also sustain significant damage from combined attack, but the Heal recover 5 health each round really drag the progress. Other than that, other cards are remain untouched in their position.



    Exploding Rats open the round with a massive blow into Gelatinous Cube. Balance are kept with both foramtion retaining 5 cards with substantial health remaining. Round 4 move forward the battle as my formation almost broke down Ant Miners but in exchange Moxian Rebel down to 5 health remaining and under poison effect.



    The tide of the battle turn into my side as Exploding Rats eliminate Ant Miners. But I also have let go Moxian Rebel when Elven Cutthroat land a hit. And here where things goes spirraling down. Chaos Agenet with Dodge ability is totally terrifying, for the next 3 round, both Serpentine Spy and Exploding Rats missed all of their attack.


    Starting on Round 8, Exploding Rats connect its attack into Chaos Agent. But its only a moment before Elven Cutthroat make a counter attack into Exxploding Rats. With this Ant Miners step up into the frontline. Fortunately Ant Miners already buffed up to 21 health by Scavenger.


    The battle continue into 9th round. With Ant Miners eliminated Elven Cutthroat, my formation should be in better position, as Goblin Shaman have inferior damage output than the rest of the remaining cards. But the bad new, Serpentine Spy is under poison effect, and under Uraeus constant pressure, it won't be long before my Serpentine Spy would fall down.


    Once I lost my Serpentine Spy, the hope for my formation start to dwindling down. Ant Miners have to deal with Goblin Shaman, while Uraeus securely launched attack from the back row. Its a shame that the battle have to end in defeat.

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    My formation should be in stronger position, but due to the lost momentum during the 6th to 8th round, I lost a good ground to make a sufficient opposition.


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