Its time to bond. No phones

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Most people have been sooo addicted to their phones that they can not go a minute without their phones or any other gadget. This is gradually eating up the mentality of younglings. It is said that there are two agents of socialization - family being primary then school which is secondary. This however can be argued in today's society as social media is becoming another agent of socialization as it is constantly moulding a person into what they see online.

    Speak of family. Family on the other hand is the realest thing a person will ever have on earth. The rest are just genjutsu that will fade away when tough times comes to play. Though some people do not understand the importance of family until trouble hits just like how Nagato hit the hidden leaf village. Shinran tensei. Point? Family nowadays is more or less underated by some persons until trouble hits and the friends we kept turns against us or leave us.

    One of the most important times in life is when we are together with family. Hanging out having fun or in a family reunion.

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    Due to the impact of social media in todays society, most people tend to be on their phones during such important moment. Tsk, such a drag. They will be cut off from reality and be in another dimension. This is not right because this is the time to associate with family, get to know them more and explore many things about your family member.

    Personally, I am not the type that supports the use of gadgets (not only phone) during family time. Be it breakfast, dinner, family hangout, reunion or even vacation. The use of phone, for me is prohibited because I see this time as a time to spend quality time with family. Its like pressing your phone while doing the naughty with your spouse. Who does that? I am actually ready to seize any phone I see on the dining table or anywhere that is supposed to be exclusively for family.

    Banning the phone may or may not have a good impact to the familys boding but it is actually worth the try. Stubborn children may decide not to say anything or even interact during family time while some other children will want to interact wether or not the use of gadgets is not allowed.
    Based on this, I think banning of phones should be based on the qualities exhibited by children. And oh, this doesn't apply to children only as adults also portray such attitude. However, an adult will understand the reason behind banning a gadget but children may more or less not understand.

    To improve the bonding between family, it is necessary to ban the use of gadgets during family time as explained above. Also, other methods of improving family bonding should be explored so as to strengthen good relationships between siblings and parents.

    The major thing that is stopping me from implementing this in my family is that I am not yet married and I do not have a family of my own. My parent tried their best to execute this and it worked to a very good extent.

    When I get my own family, there are many policies that I have set out to guide them. Lots of it. I plan to start at an early age to teach them all these things so that it will not depart from them when they grow up.

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    Thank you for reading 😊

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