Marriage is a give and take affair. Lol.

in voilk •  6 days ago

    Ever seen a small beetle drinking milk foam?

    She wanted to go to a bookstore and I wanted to go to the mountains.
    So, I had coffee at a shop outside while she was in the bookstore. While I was waiting for her, a little beetle came to have an adventure on my hand, as you will see in the photos above and below. Did I ever tell you never to argue with a woman? Believe me when I say that at most times us males will come off second best. So, my giving part on the bleary winter morning was to take her to a bookstore. She was happy when she was done, and then it was my turn to take, as we went to the mountains.

    Problem was that it landed on my camera hand. So, I took the photo below with my other hand :)

    After satisfying its thirst, I put it down onto the table and it fell asleep. So, when we left, my wife put the little beauty on a tree leaf.

    Then it was my turn, and the mountains peeped at us over the hills.

    Some lovely sights on the way.


    Then, we arrived on a farm that I have shown you many times before.

    And this, below, was my desire to get on camera, as I have been watching this couple of Malachite sunbirds to once again get them breeding, like last season.

    They both looked at me, and I think that they know now that I am not going to hurt them.

    After the photos of the birds, we left to go back home.

    I must now have hundreds of photos of the Malachites and they are very beautiful birds. But I have digressed, as I wanted to tell you more about the values of marriage. Is it a 50/50 affair of love and compromise? I don't think so, as when both partners are fully open to each other, like all soul mates should be, then things will work well. There is no place in a marriage for selfishness or pride, built on the rock of faith and love, a marriage can be a real pleasure. Eventually, the two will become as one and lately we even speak each other's thoughts. We are together 24/7 and we know each other intimately. In my estimation, this is what a marriage should be as we are both happy.
    Such is life.

    I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

    Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

    Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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