Lessons To Learn From Hive's 4th Birthday

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    On this day in 2020, the Hive Blockchain was born, created its first block and the rest is history. I used to remember when Justin Sun came on board and the chain, its stakeholders, developers, and community members were all divided as to whether Sun meant well for steem or not, but as time went on, his intentions became known. He wanted to merge Tron with steem, like a form of Siamese or joint Blockchain or whatever.

    However everyone didn't like the idea; the witnesses, the people, everyone. What Sun didn't understand was that he didn't own steem, he only owned Steemit the frontend. If the community hadn't stood up for itself, we wouldn't have what we call Hive today. Although a shitty name at that, Hive is a thriving Blockchain today (imperfect, yes but functional) Everyone on Steem stood against Syn. He was an Oligarch billionaire who wanted to buy the community, their voice, experience, and stories but unfortunately, he couldn't.

    We're probably not as united as we were anymore, but we stood up for ourselves and shout-out to blocktrades and the other witnesses who made this chain a possibility. It's a typical life lesson. A lot of times in life we're faced with oppositions bigger than we can ever imagine. A friend called me yesterday. She was basically falling apart and was almost in tears. Life hasn't treated her well and she's lost mostly all the employment opportunities that came her way. She felt abandoned and betrayed, she felt like her friends hadn't turned up for her and that they were probably doing better than her.

    She sulked on and bittered too. She spoke this way because she had been fighting life for a long time and losing in so many aspects. I told her something after encouraging her. I told her that she alone can stand up for herself. It reminded me of how I fell apart when I newly lost my brother. I realized that no one will fight your battles, even when we think they could help, it changes your concept about life and humanity but it makes you believe in yourself alone no matter how broken you are.

    It's not like I'm not still falling apart but I've come to I've come to understand that no one will stand up for you, your battles are yours alone and you just have to find creative ways to fight it. During the hostile takeover, it was obvious we couldn't negotiate with Justin Sun. His mind was made up and there was nothing we could say to convince him. In fact, he ejected the witnesses and installed his own so that he could actually run the chain however he pleased. He stole the stake of a lot of people in a way to make people bend over, and the Community just had to stand for itself. So we forked

    Sun didn't think we'd fork, in fact not a lot of people think we'd do.

    They probably felt we'd keep fighting until we could beat Sun in his own game. This was a billionaire whose crippled project was doing well on coinmarket and was a known figure in the Crypto industry. He knew nothing about decentralization and community and we weren't going to win even with people like Vitalik interfering.

    He had connections with CZ Binance and took over the witnesses with his help. Forking was the ultimate blow to Sun and here's why we have Hive. So even if steem looks is still standing, as all know there's not been an innovation there since the Fork in 2020. It's a typical example of what I told them, my friend. You just have to find creative ways to fight and survive.

    The need to survive creates ingenuity.

    People may not think they were originally created with the tools to survive, sometimes our natural state makes us dependent on the expected goodwill of others, but unfortunately, we cannot expect others to synch or fall in line with our expectations. Justin Sun didn't want what we wanted for Steemit. He had a grander plan. Something he realistically believed was best for him. Finally, a community to revive his dead Tron Blockchain. This would be beneficial for him in the long run but would be a fatality for the community and its stakeholders.

    Being Selfish is not A Bad Thing Entirely

    This means that people might let you down because they're fighting their own battles, and if you can't survive on your own then there might be nothing left to save when someone comes by. Apps like Splinterlands eventually switched over to Hive and in 2021 the game created some of web3 biggest gaming millionaires in the crypto space, but if there was nothing like Hive, splinterlands wouldn't be here either. You need to first survive so that you'll have a chance to be worth saving.

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