in voilk •  4 months ago

    Oh my! I don't know how I missed reading this week's edition in time! Just yesterday I gave a very detailed break down of how my day went but since this edition started on Monday, I'm just going to talk about how my Sunday went instead, hehe. I believe that any other day except today and tomorrow are yesterday so let's get into it, hehe.


    First, I woke up quite early to get my day started but then I had to go back to bed for another one hour because I slept late and I was still feeling sleepy. I woke up 7am and started preparing for my day and since it was Sunday the plan was definitely to go to the worship place for Sunday service, hehe. I finished a bit late because I woke up quite late and also because I had to board a commercial vehicle.

    I had quite a great time with the church and I did learn some interesting things that I believe I want to find myself doing. After we closed from the service, the sisters were asked to wait behind for a brief discussion which took place and after that, I had to rush back home because my friend who is more like a sister that I live with wasn't feeling so well. Her husband was with her but I just wanted to be available in case there is anything for me to do.

    When I got home I was really hungry and I had to go prepare food for us to eat. After I finished eating, the next thing that came to mind was what I wanted to post for that day. Prior to then, I already known I was going to participate in the Hivelearners creative-sunday so that was what I had to prepare for. I quickly started listening to the song I wanted to sing so I could get more and more familiar with it while I do other things.


    I started making my video and it kept giving me some headache but it's not a new thing so I was able to manage it well. I finished creating my video after about 7 trials which was a bit better than other times, hehe. And I went straight to editing the video which I mostly enjoy doing too. It took approximately 40 minutes to do that because I was also doing some other things along side editing it.

    After that I had to do some other things online, get a little active on some of my social media handles and I was quite fulfilled doing those things too. After doing some of the things I had to do online to a good point, I had to go prepare dinner. And since my sister wasn't feeling well, some people from the Church came to visit us and prayed with us too because they saw that she couldn't come because of her health.

    When I finished preparing dinner I just went on to continue what I was doing online and that was all I did until I began feeling sleepy. My Sunday was awesome if anyone asks me and the major reason was because I could publish a post on time, not just any post but a video post. Most times it takes me a long time to achieve a video Post but that one didn't take that long and from the little feedback I got, it was totally worth it.

    I do look forward to most of my video Post experiences going like that because if I can get a video done in time, it would help me have more time for other things. I hardly get a free time for myself on some days when I make a video Post because it's mostly draining and I know few can relate with it. But as they say, practice makes perfect and so far so good, I've gotten a lot better at it and I believe it will only keep getting better.

    This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on "HOW WAS YOUR YESTERDAY".

    All Images used are mine

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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