King Cedric And Pride

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The picture is generated by @wakeupkitty host of pic1000

    "My oh my, am I not the most handsome King in all the land?!" King Cedric declared, preening his golden locks as he stared into the mirror in his royal chambers.

    "Throw me a party Evelyn, to celebrate this handsomeness" King Cedric ordered his trusted advisor who was standing beside him with the itinerary for the day in her hands.

    With surprised look "But your Majesty, we just threw the biggest party days ago. Why waste resources on parties while your people suffer. The itinerary…."

    "Hush, woman!," King Cedric barked at her. He peered at her through the mirror "How dare you question me. "When I say throw me a party, throw me a party" his tone harsh.

    "Your Majesty, all I'm saying is, perhaps it's time to listen to the needs of your people. They are suffering, they can barely afford to feed their children," she urged, her voice gentle but firm with a slow bow before the King.

    But Cedric would hear none of it. "Silence, Evelyn! I am the King. How dare you question how I rule my people?. My word is law and I will not be questioned!" he roared.

    "But your majesty, I…"

    Cedric's face turned as red as a beetroot, his pride wounded by Evelyn's constant argument. "Guards", he bellowed as two guards came running into his chambers. "Seize her!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the palace halls "She mustn't be released until she acknowledges my style of leadership".

    As Evelyn was dragged away on the streets of Aragonia, the people of Aragonia began to murmur amongst themselves. They had long suffered under Cedric's selfish rule, but now they dared to hope for change. And the only person they had believed would talk to the king about them was being thrown into the dungeon

    That night, the silence that echoed in the streets was louder than a slithering snake in a green grass. But as the moon hung high in the sky, Matthias, Evelyn's husband, gathered the people of Aragonia in secret.

    "Friends, our beloved Evelyn has been unjustly taken from us," he declared, his voice filled with determination. "It is time to rise up against King Cedric and his tyranny!"

    The crowd murmured in agreement, their anger simmering like a pot ready to boil over. "But how will we defeat the King and his guards?" someone asked, their voice trembling with fear.

    "We may not have swords or shields, but we have something more powerful: unity!" Matthias exclaimed, his eyes blazing with passion. "Together, we will show King Cedric that the people of Aragonia will not be silenced!"

    With that, the people of Aragonia marched through the streets, their footsteps echoing in the darkness. They rallied behind Matthias, their voices raised in defiance against the oppressive ruler who had ignored their cries for too long.

    Matthias and his fellow rebels stormed the palace, fighting their way through few guards who dared to stand in their way. While some other guards were apparently tired too of the kings rule.

    Finally, they burst into the kings chambers, where King Cedric sat in his golden chair, surrounded by his treasures and of course admiring himself in the mirror. "King Cedric, your reign of pride and arrogance ends tonight!" Matthias proclaimed, his voice ringing with authority.

    The King's eyes widened in disbelief "How dare you barge into my chambers,you peasants. Guards!" He yelled but when no one answers, as he realised the tide had turned against him. "But… but I am the King!" he stammered, his voice trembling with fear.

    "Not anymore," Matthias declared, his voice steady as a rock. "You have betrayed the trust of your people, and put us to severe sufferings. Now you must face the consequences."

    With that, King Cedric was banished from the land of Aragonia by his people. His once-mighty kingdom now free from his tyrannical rule.

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