When Bitcoin Abonded

in voilk •  2 months ago

    n the end there will be a time when Bitcoin is abandoned, where users will choose or move to what should be the right choice as electronic money in the future. Why is this so and is it possible that this can happen?

    The realistic answer to a parable or view is that it might be possible and it might not happen. But if you look at the possibility, there is certainly a reason behind why Bitcoin is superior being abandoned. In the possibility of many various reasons and predictions why Bitcoin is abandoned, the most obvious thing is that the high cost of producing Bitcoin no longer covers the miners, where when the high cost of the miners' expenses is far from the benefits obtained.


    Another factor is the slow systematization of transactions and the high transaction fees charged for using Bitcoin as a currency in everyday life. In addition, although the development of this problem has obtained solutions such as the existence of a ligtning network, the level of use of difficulty and lack of interest is a problem in the existing solutions to Bitcoin transactions.

    From these three sides of the view, the existence of Bitcoin's superiority is increasingly questioned by the clarity of the main problem of its decentralization, thus increasingly creating problems of loss of trust as the loss of public trust in the banking financial system or the old financial system.

    Then when Bitcoin is abandoned, will it affect the condition of other crypto currencies or what is known as Altcoin?

    Of course, it is still the same big question mark about this problem. Because the fundamentals have been abandoned, it is likely that the lower tiers will be affected. Unless the crypto currency provides an answer to the problem of existence generated by Bitxoin and can also coordinate the problem of tendencies originating from Bitcoin's previous existence.

    For a while it was expected that if Bitcoin was abandoned one of the Altcoins would become a replacement and could contribute better than the existence of the problem why Bitxoin was abandoned. But in detail, is there an option for a future Bitcoin replacement, especially in the crypto world itself?

    Certainty about this has actually long been tried to be revealed and prepared by the birth of other projects besides Bitcoin. But again the global condition of the level of trust and can be seeded still does not get the right solution, which is the best project after Bitcoin's existence is created?

    Basically, the average returns to the phase of market dependence and the existence of language chasing the word profit and luck. The average project forgets the core values of liberty and decentralization. The community is also not filled with content about the existence of a good solution to the problem of the purpose of crypto currency being created, but only filled with social jealousy and instant profit.

    The world of economics is not free from the word profit and loss, but at least it is aware of its existence on the purpose of the problem of fair and trustworthy use. So that a globally fair economic system despite different views and communities can be realized towards a global economic society by consensus can be accepted in the end.


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