My lovely Tortoise 🐢 [ENG||ESP]

in voilk •  3 months ago




    Turmeric is my adorable tortoise, he is part of my life and is one of my three pets, his peculiar name is due to the fact that turmeric is one of my favourite spices in the kitchen. My tortoise is curious and not aggressive, I don't see her as slow as this type of tortoise tends to be, rather I see her as bold and alert. She has a terrarium just for herself and as soon as she hears my voice she comes out to greet me, or give me a greeting, or want to tell me something, I really don't know!.... I take her out of her terrarium and she takes her daily walk around the house, and she loves it!




    I use my fingers and also a soft bristle toothbrush to clean his shell, it is important to do it very gently because his shell is delicate, it needs basic care for its healthy preservation. My tortoise's baths are usually under a small lemon tree, where he has a shallow container, spacious enough with a small rim, ideal for Curcuma to get in and out whenever he wants.




    Curcuma likes to chase my cat Pacha, but the cat is not very friendly and always leaves the tortoise playing alone, she doesn't have a bit of patience and many times the cat hits the tortoise, it gives me a bit of fun to see Curcuma how she wants to share the time and play with Pacha, but that kind of game is not of the cat's interest, the coexistence between them has been healthy until now, and well I must thank the cat for so much patience, this because my cat is not very sociable and to accept that she has a reptile sister must be something difficult.





    Every time I see my tortoise I think she is the cutest little animal in the world!...I love her tenderness, I have had her since she was little and to see her this big now is satisfying, well, it's not that she is very big, it's just that when she was a baby she was so vulnerable that I kept her in a little box to protect her. At first there were two tortoises , but when I took them out to their new habitat one of them disappeared, that frustrated me so much that since then I overprotect Turmeric a lot. I have learnt a lot from my pets, being loving and patient are basic requirements to maintain the affective well-being and healthy coexistence between all of us.




    • The content is original.
    • The images were taken from my Redmi Xiaomi 8A phone.




    Mi adorable Tortuga 🐢

    Cúrcuma es mi adorable tortuga terrestre, forma parte de mi vida y es una de mis tres mascotas, su nombre peculiar se debe a que la cúrcuma es una de mis especias favorita en la cocina Mi tortuga terrestre es curiosa y no es agresiva, yo no la veo lenta como suelen ser este tipo de tortugas, más bien la veo audaz y avispada. Tiene un terrario solo para ella y en lo que escucha mi voz sale para recibirme, o darme un saludo, o querrá decirme algo, la verdad no sé!... Yo la saco de su terrario y ella da su paseo diario por la casa, y eso le encanta!




    A Cúrcuma le encanta bañarse con agua fresca, disfruta de un tiempo de relajación e hidratación, yo utilizo mis dedos y también un cepillo dental de cerdas suaves para limpiar su caparazón, es importante hacerlo muy suave porque su caparazón es delicado, necesita de cuidados básicos para su sana conservación. Los baños de mi tortuga suelen ser debajo de un pequeño árbol de limón, allí tiene un recipiente poco profundo, suficientemente espacioso con su borde pequeño ideal para que Curcuma pueda salir y entrar cada vez que así lo desee.




    A Cúrcuma le gusta perseguir a mi gata Pacha, pero la gata no es muy amable y siempre deja a la tortuga jugando sóla, no tiene ni un poquito de paciencia y muchas veces la gata le pega a la tortuga, me da un poco de gracia ver a Cúrcuma como quiere compartir el tiempo y jugar con Pacha, pero ese tipo de juego no es del interés de la gata, la convivencia entre ellas ha sido sana hasta ahora, y bueno debo agradecerle a la gata por tanta paciencia, esto debido a que mi gata no es muy sociable y aceptar que tiene una hermana reptil debe ser algo difícil.





    Cada vez que veo a mi tortuga pienso que es el animalito mas lindo del mundo! encanta su ternura, yo la tengo desde pequeña y verla ahora así de grande es satisfactorio, bueno, no es que este muy grande, solo que de bebé era tan vulnerable que yo la tenía en una cajita para protegerla. Al principio eran dos tortugas, pero al sacarlas a su nuevo habitad una desapareció, eso me frustró tanto que desde ese entonces sobreprotejo mucho a Cúrcuma. He aprendido mucho de mis mascotas, el ser amorosa y paciente son requisitos básicos para la mantener el bienestar afectivo y la sana convivencia entre todos.




    • El contenido de esta publicación es original.
    • Las imágenes fueron tomadas desde mi teléfono Redmi Xiaomi 8A.

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