Using Grum Flameblade to the Max

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Ever since I encountered Quora for the first time, I have been obsessed with Bloodlusts. Unfortunately, I can’t rent myself a Quora. Lol not that if she was rentable, I would be able to afford the rent anyways. So what do I do? I rent Grum Flameblade.

    I’ve been experimenting with Grum the past few days with different summoners, monster combinations and rulesets. In today’s post, I’m going to share two things, a monster and a summoner I believe Grum becomes 2x more powerful with.

    I'm very sure you battle mages already know the tips I'm going to talk about, but even if you do, consider this a nice reminder. Splinterlands has soo many cards and strategies we encounter on a daily that sometimes we forget some of our old and simple strategies.

    Let’s first take a look at an overview of a level one Grum Flameblade

    The most important thing about Grum for me is his bloodlust ability

    What does that grant him? Well that basically means that every time Grum kills an enemy monster, he adds +1 to all his stats. So in a way, this can be considered a heal ability. In a way though.

    He packs a powerful melee attack of 4, and good armor of 5 that is a void armor. On the downside, he has only a speed of 1, so that means that despite his strength and power of destruction, there’s a high chance he’ll miss his attack when fighting monsters with high speeds.

    The first thing I’ll be talking about is a summoner that fixes Grum’s speed shortcoming and allows him to cause destruction to his max potential!

    Conqueror Jacek

    This summoner adds an extra speed of 2 to all friendly monsters. This solves Grum’s speed issue. In fact, this could help him dodge some attacks if you have a monster with the slow ability on your team that reduces enemy monster speeds.

    Even though this is a good perk, why I think Conqueror Jacek and Grum make a formidable pair is the pierce ability he gives Grum. Most people counter powerful melee attackers like Grum by lightly shielding their monsters, so that Grum’s attack power is wasted trying to destroy their armor first before getting to their health, to buy them time. With the pierce ability, Grum’s excess melee attack punches right through armor to health, killing shielded enemy monsters easier and faster.

    Scavo Hireling

    I recently just discovered this fella here and he’s proven to work nicely with Grum. What makes Quora indestructible mostly is her heal ability. If you use Scavo right, he could act as a tank heal for Grum in the sense that he’ll continuously heal Grum’s armor (which happens to be a void armor that protects even against direct magic attacks).

    The slight problem with using Scavo with Grum is that Scavo does not have a specific target to which he restores armor. He restores armor to the friendly monster whose armor has taken the most damage. This might not be Grum. So if you intend on using Grum with Scavo for this purpose, you have to ensure that in your lineup, there’s no shielded monster that could potentially compete with Grum for the armor restoration.

    Now, let’s talk about Scavo’s own shortcoming – Health. He comes with just 1 health unit, and if you build your strategy solely on the Grum-Scavo combo, you’ll be unfortunate if your opponent has an opportunity monster on their team. When using this particular strategy, it’ll be in your best interest to check your opponent’s previous line ups to see if they’re fond of using opportunists.

    Ruleset – Equal Opportunity

    This is by far the best situation to combine everything I just talked about in this post minus using Scavo. I’m sure you get why I said minus Scavo. If you use Scavo in an equal opportunity ruleset, you’re asking for what you get. Lol

    The equal opportunity ruleset means that you can use Grum in any position and he’ll still be able to attack from any position. The toping on the cake is that he’s going to be targeting monsters with low health, making easy kills, and buffing his way up. In this case, I normally hide him in the midst of monsters with low health but good armor, in anticipation my opponent will use melee attack in order to take advantage of the opportunity. This keeps them pre-occupied so Grum can kill many enemy monsters and buff up enough to handle an entire team by himself. You can see me using this strategy in this battle

    Something extra and spontaneous

    When I started writing this post, I didn’t consider adding in this last tip because it’s something I haven’t experimented myself yet, but something that logically works nonetheless.

    Martyrs are I believe, the best way to make your bloodlusts even more powerful! If you have them, of course, using them with Grum is definitely going to do you wonders. Most people I know use Venari Marksrat or Fungus Flinger, or a combination of both if they really want to finish you that day. Lol

    With these tips, I believe you'll be able to use Grum to his max potential. If you have any more suggestions on how to use Grum best, let's discuss in the comments.

    Cover image belongs to @ splinterlands
    All other images are either from or

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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