Inquired for a delivery package, meet up with the new OB-Gyne and glad my baby is no longer breech for now.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Neutral Aesthetic Travel Photo Collage.jpg

    There is no place like HOME, indeed as I didn't have a good sleep like last night if I am staying in our staff house in Manila. Sleeping on the side always wakes me up at night due to numbness in my arms. Sometimes it was even hard to get a good position , and I ended up tossing in bed. Just slowly though it was hard to move with my growing belly already. Perhaps in the next month, I might find myself crawling just to get up or might sleep on the couch 😅.

    Also, I filed a leave of absence today and tomorrow so I didn't need to wake up early. The weather was so good, it was cold and I was wrapping myself with a blanket at six in the morning even though the electric fan was off! The urge to sleep more was huge, yet I needed to get up as I had an appointment with an OB_GYNE here in hubby's hometown in preparation for my due date. More on that, I wanted to discuss the total amount of packages for normal and caesarean delivery.


    It was not a private hospital but my sister in-law recommended this one as you here previous OB was affiliated here. It was like, you will have your private Doctors yet the procedure will be done here. It was quite cheaper. Some of my officemates also suggested the idea.


    What I was expecting was a long line as it was a public hospital but was a little bit surprised it was that crowded. This is the record section where I need to drop by first to get a patients number permanently.


    At least it doesn't smell like hospitals. I mean maybe since the waiting area was in an open space, the air is still fresh. Then, connecting buildings.

    While waiting I was answering some queries about work. I totally made sure everything was fine so my reliever wouldn't have a hard time. Yet, some technical issues still happened.

    It takes I think thirty minutes waiting for checking of vital signs etc before going to the Doctors clinic.

    Several pregnant mommies were also waiting and had a few conversions with them. Then me, observing their physical appearance when they mentioned the gender of their baby. Noticed a certain lady that looks blooming! Like there was no sign aside from bulging belly. She said hers was a girl. So thinking, the percentage that I might have a little boy increases. As said in my previous blogs, I don't see myself glowing, lol! Maybe my eyes as I was happy but physically? Naaa! The darkening of some areas still continues 😂.

    The discussion with the Doctor went well and she agreed that I should come back once I already filed for maternity leave. The package was affordable but the only problem was the private rooms were under construction. That means, I will be staying in the ward 😫. Still she gave me other options, and gave the other list of other hospitals she was affiliated with.

    So my option now was, fingers crossed renovations were done when the time or transferred to a private hospital on the list. She already gave me the estimated package and somehow was 50% cheaper compared to NCR rates.


    Afterwards, I proceeded to the laboratory room for pelvic ultrasound. The Reason was to check the baby's progress and at the same time for the gender.


    Sadly, taking photos and videos wasn't allowed so there is none recorded to be sent to the husband. Well aside from these photos. Also, the OB let me see only my baby heartbeat and said everything was fine. More than that wasn't allowed as I might see the gender. LOL, no more excitement during the Gender reveal.

    I was so thankful, everything was fine. I am always praying for this as hubby wasn't here. Yet, glad my in-laws were supportive and helping me so far.

    Past eleven in the morning and I was already starving. Don't want to drop by the nearest fast food place as it was hot! So I just bought letchon manok in a well-known chain selling roasted chickens Andoks.

    And who wanted fresh Tamarind? Found this in my sister in law's house and made me salivate! Remembered I used to climb and eat some while on the top of the tree , while the wind sways the branch where I am sitting! Oh what a lovely memory.

    Lead image was edited using Canva
    All photos are mine otherwise stated
    Footer credit to Sensiblecast

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