Butterfly World

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Most likely the majority of Hive users would say they love butterflies, although not many are posting about these interesting creatures. I like them, can't say I don't, but I'm not a huge fan of them. Those colorful wings with wonderful patterns are nice to look at, but you won't see me running around at the pasture, to catch them. Besides, they are not a huge fan of cities, you rarely see one or two, let alone have the chance to photograph them.

    When I was in elementary school, we had different tasks to complete, among which was to create a herbarium, in which we had to have different plants, mostly herbs. This meant collecting them ourselves, drying them and keeping them safe in the herbrium. My cousin had different tasks, such as collect butterflies and different bugs in a box. She went out with my granddad to catch those and I was happy we didn't have to do that. Collecting and drying plants is one thing, but catching and pinning butterflies in a box is a totally different (unpleasant) task.


    When I stepped into this room an the natural science museum and saw the butterflies, all those memories came back to me.


    These creatures may look nice, but that's not why they exist. They are part of the ecosystem and have their role.

    butterflies are good for the environment. Several animals, including small mammals, birds, and other insects, depend on butterflies for food at different phases of their lives. Aphids are (plant) pests; however, several species of butterflies help to manage them by eating them. By regulating animal and insect populations, they perform a crucial role. Butterflies are typically abundant during specific periods of the year. As a result, they play a significant role in several species’ food chains. In many habitats, butterflies serve as pollinators and food for many other plants and animals. source


    The offer at the museum was not a vast one, but they had some very interesting ones I've never seen before. I tried to take some close-up photos, hoping to get some decent ones as well.


    Most likely this is the only way of having such a close look at them. In the wild, they may stop for a few seconds, maybe you can take a few shots, but nothing is guaranteed.


    Looking at those colorful and textured wings, I'd say these are real beauties.


    But, without those lovely wings, they are just insects and not nice ones. But then again, are there nice insects? As I haven't seen any nice ones :)


    Look at those colors and pattern. I could imagine a dress like that, with a yellow-brown top and the bottom like the big wings. You know what's interesting? You don't see colors that don't match. I mean you see people wearing awful colors all the time, every single day, but not animals or insects. Am I wrong? If I am, show me an example.


    This one was quite ugly. I don't see it as a butterfly, but if they say it is one, then it is a butterfly.




    It happens quite often, but I think it's normal to think about how you would draw these wings on paper, or paint it with watercolor. The other thing I think of quite often, when I see a nice pattern is fabric.


    Look at that pattern and the wrinkles. I can see a nice silk blouse with that pattern. Am I the only crazy one here? Please say I'm not 😂


    Here's the list of exotic insects. Have a look, see if you recognize any. I have zero knowledge of these, so ...

    Looking at these beautiful creatures, makes me think of what it means to own one, or more. Some see these as collectibles and collect them as others collect stamps or coins. Are they valuable? Of course they are and the rule apply here too. The more rare, the more valuable.

    Having these displayed in the museum can help a lot of people, like it helped me to learn about them, but would I be able to catch them? Nope.

    This collection was quite small, but valuable nevertheless. I saw a bigger one in another museum two years ago.

    This is it for today people, let me know which one is your favorite, if you have one.

    If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


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