Back to 5000HP!!!

in voilk •  2 months ago


    I did it! Again!

    On the 25th of March, I was forced to do a power down in order to fix my financial crisis. 307HP was powered down from 5006HP.

    This was a massive blow to me as I had just reached 5000HP and it was like a punch to the gut that now that I had reached this milestone, I had to let go of it.

    But then I set to the task of regaining this drawn HP as soon as I could.... and it took me a while to NOT think of it as HP LOST. It was HP drawn and HP spent and it is good that I could fall back on my Hive in order to pay for necessities that I would have otherwise been unable to do.

    So... 32 days later and something like 56 post in that time and I am back over the 5000HP mark! Woohooooo!

    So what is next?

    Well... Dolphin is not too far from here but I would need to get cracking to get that done.

    Another crazy statistic has to do with stake distribution.

    When you get to 5000HP, the current, closest account to that number is 2285th most HP on Hive. I now have 5008HP and I am 2282nd.

    Getting to Dolphin puts me at 5785HP and thus around 2028th. Which is interesting.

    6,000HP+ is 1954th, 331 places up for 1000HP
    7,000HP+ is 1733th, 221 places up for 1000HP
    8,000HP+ is 1573th, 160 places up for 1000HP
    9,000HP+ is 1434th 140 places up for 1000HP
    10,000HP+ is 1331th 103 places up for 1000HP

    So to break that down, we can see that it becomes rarer and rarer to get to each of these stages.

    By the time you get to 20,000HP there are only 726 accounts with 20k HP and up!

    This is exciting but also eye opening and in a sense it would be healthier for the blockchain to have MORE people with significant HP stakes.

    So... onward! To Dolphinhood!

    Thank you for reading.


    Hive South Africa

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