Now I understand why some sellers don't do meet up. Hi, there! Let me share a horrible experience on my first cake meet up last year.
Last December, I received a message from a customer wanting to purchase a jelly cake with jelly drawing. But after a couple of discussions and sending designs, customer settled for a 6 inches regular floral cake.
Customer asked if I can deliver the cake on the 23rd. It's kind of disappointing they go over my posts for my older designs yet don't read the captions where I always include a note that cakes are only for pick up. However, I gave this customer an exception because I will be going out that day to buy my Christmas cake at a mall. I told her I can do a meet up at the mall in the morning because I'll be going there.
She then asked if we can do the meet up at a differeng mall. A bit farther but I just said okay to give her convenience. Payments have been made and meet up time has been set.
One day before the meet up, customer sent a message asking if we can change it to a later time around after lunch. I agreed.
Came 23rd and I bought my Christmas cake in the morning. Lunch time came and customer sent another message asking for another time adjustment to late afternoon.
Meet up time she gave was 5 in the afternoon and 30 minutes before 5, I sent another message to confirm the meet up time. She has a habit of replying late but it's also getting late and it will get dark soon, so I decided to go to the mall while waiting for her reply.
I arrived around 5:20 P.M. and looked for a vacant space to wait for her. Unfortunately, there are no chairs nor benches, you have to enter cafes and restaurants to be able to seat. I stood near an escalator while juggling on the cake and phone. The cake was also a bit heavy despite the size. It's also fragile so I have to carry it with extra care.
After 2 unanswered calls and messages on Facebook and on her phone number she finally replied and told she's on the way and she'll be booking a delivery rider. I was confused who I would meet up with.
It was already around 6 P.M. and there was no update since her last message. My arm carrying the cake was already tired and shaking. I decided to go to a fast food restaurant to eat dinner and so I can rest my tired arm as well. While lining up inside the restaurant, I received a message from the customer asking my details to send to the rider.
I was surprised that she was only booking a rider at that moment. Yup, I went out of the restaurant. Good thing I was still on tne line and haven't made an order yet. I don't know what to do while waiting so I walked around the ground floor twice and ended up inside a clothing store and looked at some clothes to kill time.
Since I am not buying clothes, I went out some minutes later and stood in front of the clothing store. It was already dark outside and the feeling of regret was already sinking in. I shouldn't have agreed for a meet up.
About 20 minutes later, I got a call from the rider telling that he was already outside the mall. Finally, the cake was handed over and delivered to the customer.
And I finally returned to the fast food restaurant to buy my dinner but had it for take away instead because it was already late.
Getting out of the mall. Finally!
Lesson from this transaction is not to do meet up again. I didn't even charged her for my travel fare nor for the inconvenience made. It was a mistake that I wasn't strict on time as well. Also, customer should've booked the delivery rider earlier.
Here's the cake, by the way. I guess the only consolation was the good feed back.
I also gave her a mini cupcake Christmas freebie which was part of my Christmas promo.
I'm really glad she liked the cake, not only how it looks but also its taste. But I still won't recommend meet ups.
I wish I have a physical store to make transactions easier but with the sales I am making, it's impossible to pay the rent and other recurring bills, let alone setting up the store. Well, this is the typical struggle of small businesses and we have no choice but to bear with it until we can afford to put up one.
Thanks for reading! 💚