in voilk •  4 months ago

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    The key to every Man's heart is a good meal, our elders will always say.

    Food fuels the body and keep you going, food does not only win stomach but also heart.

    It is not a secret that food is beneficial, essential to human's life for growth.

    I can't choose going a day without food, my phone can always wait.... I can't starve myself... I can't stay a day without food but I can stay a day without phone....

    Although our phone is very important for communication, funs, games, work etc. but why on earth will I choose a device over my stomach. No matter what your choice is but after everything you will still be hungry.

    Food comes with so much happiness and strength, a hungry man is an angry man.

    Food gives us so much strength and energy so why won't we take food serious. You can called me a foodie, yes I love food.

    Imagine leaving home very early in the morning without eating, you had a stressful day without food and coming back home, your stomach will be rumbling yet no food to eat. Trust me you can't do any meaningful thing on your phone with a rumbling stomach. So why aren't we taking food serious?. This makes Food a more appealing choice.

    Do you know that spending too much time using your phone can make you feel weak and stress out?

    Food is the root of all happiness, I don't underestimate the power of a good meal. Food are make up of the nutrients we need everyday for our survival. Without food I will have a very dull day,

    I can go a day without sending or receiving texts messages, reading emails, sending hi and hello, and other communications through phone.

    But I can't survive hunger, not like I'm going to die if I go a day without food. But it will make me uncomfortable and unhappy. So I dare not try to spoil my day.

    I appreciate and embrace food anytime, anyday, food makes one feel fullfilled and satisfy. I can work a whole day as long as there's food close to me to eat anytime I want.

    Even the aroma of meals gives me a very pleasant pleasure.

    My phone is Very useful to me but it's not essential, I can do just fine without it.

    Life is too short to be spending it on the screen, instead let me go for food which will energize and nourish the body and soul.

    There is this deep bond and connection that comes with food when you are eating with your friends, family, colleague and loved one's. I can remember my grandma when she was alive, after cooking all the grandchildren will drop plates, and she must definitely dish food for everyone. This usually bonded us and make us happy.

    I can joke with anything but definitely not my stomach
    I am a foodie, I love food
    I can't go a day without it.

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