My learning English 6: Present continous (A1)

in voilk •  5 months ago


    In the previous post we were speaking about the simple present tense, in this we will speak about the continuous present tense, and about all we will see some difference between the two. The principal is the structure, while the simple tense is used with the "To Be" Verb and others verbs with Do and Does, the continuous tense is used with the "To Be" Verb with the verb in -ing form. Then, while in simple tense, we say "I build this", in continuous one, we say "I am building it"., because the action is realizing yet.

    The key is "right now"

    The key for differencing this two time is depending on the moment of the action, so if the action is stable we use simple tense but if the action is temporary, casual or actual we use continuous tense.

    • A routine is a action that we can do daily, an habit, it means that is something stable, it's the reason because we use the sentence in simple tense, for example, I work out four times at week. But if today is one of those days, we say: I am working out. It's the sentence in continuous tense.

    • If we want to communicate status of some things or unalterable truth, we use simple tense, like in the water boils at 100 Celsius degree, but if the thing is passing at the moment as the speaker is talking then we use continuous tense, like in The water is boiling now. It is ready for the pasta.

    • Also, when the situation is permanent we use simple tense, as in They live in Venezuelan, but when the situation is temporal we use continuous tense, as in They are living in Colombia.

    I live or I am living?

    I seem that would be an interesting exercise to analyze our lives from the perspective of the verbals tenses, because - in this case - if the present simple is something that is permanent and the present continuous something transitory, it's necessary to pay attention to it, I mean if I am washing the dishes, I mustn't to be doing other thing.

    I am going to do a little paragraph for to illustrate this:

    Right now I am writing in my computer personal, but also I am thinking in my following activity, then I am not doing the things well totally, because when one does something one must do it with concentration, then I wouldn't must say I am writing, and I am thinking in another thing, it's something crazy, the best is to say that I am writing, and then I'm going to think in that.

    List of my previous learning English posts:

    1. Greetings and farewells
    2. The basics
    3. Simple tense
    4. The basics II
    5. Some uses of Simple tense

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