The touch of Rain and the beautiful Smile of the Garden

in voilk •  last month

    Friends, Happy Monday everyone.

    Today's day started with intense heat like yesterday, the sun was intense and warm from morning, it was like this throughout the day. Due to which the warmth of nature and the bright environment felt very uncomfortable today. But in the early evening the nature started to change and soon the sky became cloudy.

    The cloudy sky means the cool form of the beautiful nature, gradually the dark environment around starts getting darker, the surrounding scenery becomes more enchanting in the cool air. As the temperature was high today, I did not dare to go outside today. But enjoyed the cool atmosphere and light rain in the early evening.

    As I like rain and if it is light. The rain earlier this evening was the same, not too heavy, but stopped after a light shower. So you can understand that I enjoyed this nature environment very much, before the nature environment got dark I rushed to the garden and captured some scenes of the rain soaked garden flowers.

    Actually my intention was to quickly capture some scenes in bright environment before the evening darkness. My garden is full of beautiful flowers at the moment, it seems that my garden is filled with the beautiful smile of nature. Seeing such a beautiful scene really fills the heart, changes the mentality of the mind, creates a great and different feeling.

    Try it, make a small flower garden in your home, when the flowers bloom and the environment of the garden will change and when you are inside the garden at that moment, you will feel a different kind of feeling in yourself, such a beautiful environment or moment of nature. You won't get it even by spending thousands of rupees, sometimes a little thing creates a feeling of something big.

    However, the light rain and the cool breeze, just as the pain of the whole day's heat was instantly removed, the beautiful sight of the flowers in my flower garden in the rain made my heart flutter. I have found a great environment to enjoy in the midst of nature, in the midst of nature's smiling flowers. The beautiful and green nature not only purifies our environment but also refreshes our heart feeling.

    All are my original Photography, device Redmi 9.

    Thanks all.




    I am a determined girl, I want to take myself to great heights. I know the challenge is tough, but I still want to go ahead and test my abilities. I don't want to lose before I lose, but I want to win through struggle. I love to write, I love to express my imagination.

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