Visiting the famous restaurant Andres Dc [ENG/SPAN]

in voilk •  last month


    Hello dear community, I hope you are well.

    Something that was highly recommended to me was to visit the famous restaurant Andres Dc beef, a place with a fun atmosphere to hang out with good friends, something that I did not like much was the waiting time to receive the food however the waiters were very friendly, we ordered a grilled haunch accompanied by some delicious potatoes and a Colombian beer, and the bottom dish has a grilled breast and some nice fries, the place is nice but a little expensive for the food they offer.


    Hola querida comunidad, espero esten bien.
    Algo que me recomendaron mucho fue que visitara el famoso restaurant Andres Dc carne de res, un lugar con un ambiente divertido para pasar el rato con buenos amigos, algo que no me gusto mucho fue el tiempo de espera para recibir la comida, sin embargo los meseros fueron muy amables, pedimos una punta de anca asada acompañada de unas deliciosas papas y una cerveza colombiana, y el plato del fondo tiene una pechuga a la parrilla y unas ricas papas fritas, el lugar es agradable pero un poco costoso para la comida que ofrecen.

    Translated with DeepL| Traducido con DeepL
    Original picture taken by me | Foto original tomada por mi.

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