
in voilk •  26 days ago

    Photo by Kelly

    Have you ever been in that situation where your soul just craves home? It's been five years since you've not been home. Now, everything around you irritates you. You just crave to be in the arms of those that love and birthed you.

    You miss Mama's food, you miss Papa's stories about his life when he was young. You crave to perceive the aroma of deliciousness that always emanates from the kitchen whenever Mama is cooking. You crave to be pampered a little, to be with family and laugh at happy times. You needed a break and craved to go back home to remember who you are and where you're coming from.

    Well, that was how I was feeling when I got down to the old motor park in the tiny town I grew up in. My shoes were dusty from the long road travel and the constant breakdown and repairs of the rickety bus I had boarded. I cursed at the bus and vowed to be careful next time when choosing a bus.

    The air in the park smelled of dust, smoke and everything odd. Of course, it was a motor park so I didn't bother. I was just happy that after five years I was back home to the town that bred me.

    “Squash Man!” a familiar voice called me by a nickname only a few childhood friends knew.

    I turned around searching every nook and cranny of the park with my eye. Whoever knew that name must be a close friend of mine who knew me from childhood. Finally, I found the voice, it was John, my childhood friend, he was waving energetically at me with a smile so wide and infectious.

    “Guy!” I called back. "Long time"

    "No see". John replied, giving me a big hug. "So the prodigal son finally decided to return"

    "Haba, is that how you rate me now? Prodigal son?"

    "Ehe na. When was the last time you returned to see your parents?" staring at my bag on the floor. "Is that yours?" He asked.

    I nodded

    He quickly swung them on his shoulders and said "Come on I'll drive you home"

    "You drive now?" I asked instead of following him behind.

    "Yeah, just a bus I use for town service that's all".

    As we drove through the town to my home, memories gradually began flooding back. I noticed there were many developments I never imagined. Like the big landmark, a town hall that led to my street has been demolished to broaden the road. We discussed everything and nothing was left out in our short drive home.

    “I can see that life over there is treating you nice,” John asked, glancing at me.

    “Yeah,” I replied. “Apart from being too busy. Sometimes I miss the calm life of our town .”

    "Then come back home, bro"

    "I can't, I've already built a life over there" I replied. John went silent "I'll always be home to see you guys, don't worry" I added tapping his shoulder as he drove.

    We got home and John pulled into my father's house. Everything seemed the same apart from the quietness which felt like a new thing now.

    “Welcome home,” John said softly.

    Just as I got out of the car. Mama sprang out of the house, she had her apron on. A sign she was cooking

    "Is that my son? Nnọọ (welcome)" she said, hugging me tightly. I didn't care if she was sweaty and reeked of spices, I hugged her back squeezing hard a bit. At that moment, I realised how much I had missed her

    “Imela (Thank you)" I replied. "What of Papa?" I asked.

    "He went to see a business partner," Mama replied. To John, she said "Thank you for bringing him home. I'm almost done with the food, stay back for dinner"

    I watched as John's face lit up with a smile. I can tell he still loves food. "Okay ma'am"

    Dinner was my favourite. White rice and stew with chicken. I wasn't surprised, I had called Mama to tell her I would be coming home. We reminisced about old times. I was happy to be home eating home-cooked food and not the regular fast food or roadside food.

    The next few days were fun. John did his best to make my little stay worthwhile. We visited friends and relatives. Our high school and church. We played football on the big field in the community school. And oh, I saw Mela too, my childhood crush and although I never got to tell her how I felt then or got a kiss from her.

    This time I summoned the courage to tell her how I felt for her while we were younger and maybe as a consolation she gave me a peck.

    Honestly, I don't know how to explain it. But it's true what they say, "there is no place like home".

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