TCSO #50 A surprising story

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello friends of cinnamon cup coffee, as always willing to share with you in this space, today I want to tell you about an anecdote that I heard in one of my visits to a coffee shop and that really impressed me, because I found it hard to believe that this could happen.

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    I tell you that in a town on the southern coast of my country, where the main activity is fishing, an event happened that I think has not happened anywhere else. I can tell you that the story is true although perhaps it may be tinged with some fictitious element, but the anecdote comes from my cousin Chuchi who lives in that town, besides being the captain of a small fishing boat together with his wife and children, he has a restaurant, bar and cafeteria complex, quite popular, as you can imagine in a small town everything is known.


    One night the young people of the village gathered to celebrate the beginning of the summer season, a party which they had been organizing for some time, the locals knew about this plan, the young people wanted to have the party at sea and for that they prepared with the support of the whole neighborhood a very rustic but picturesque boat because it was built as they said with cuttings from here and there, they even put an engine from a washing machine that was already discarded.

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    They danced until late, at dawn the town dawned very quiet, but as the morning progressed a big commotion was formed because all the boys left on that boat heading to Cancun.
    It is said that one of the boys had no intention of leaving but because he had too much to drink he fell asleep and his friends took him away and he woke up in the open sea, that is what he told his parents when they complained to him in surprise.

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    The interesting part of the story is that these boys went and some of them came back to leave two young men who were unwell and wanted to return.


    This story marked me in many ways, which I will not explain, but it is very sad that young people leave the country and even more so that they take such risks, but they are not even aware of it because they made the trip twice. Other friends do not think like me and say that it is an act of courage and that they showed that they learned to sail.

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    What do you think?
    Thanks for reading and sharing.
    The images are my own.
    Use the translator DeepL

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