The Power Of Meetups In Hive Promotion

in voilk •  4 days ago

    Promotion or marketing is one of the activities carried out for a project one believes in, to bring in more people who would see and believe what you profess. When one finds a good opportunity, some would want to spread the good news and the Hive Blockchain is one good opportunity worth sharing out.

    There have been lots of ways Hivers promote Hive, while many succeeded in brining in more users, some didn't work out very well. Out of the many promotion strategies, meetups seem to be one of the effective ones.

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    I've never had the chance to attend a Hive meet up on a large scale level but if you'll count meeting up a friend to discuss about Hive as one, I have done a few of them. All these meetups, whether between just two persons or with a crowd, they are all for Hive promotion and they can be very effective in growing the blockchain if carried out well enough.

    From my experience meeting up with some persons to discuss or promote Hive, I've learned that it isn't very easy but it's the most easiest option to choose rather than discussing it to the friend online or through a phone call. You get to put Hive on a clear display during a meet up.

    I've seen a few community also do meetups to distribute books and other items they customize Hive logos on, the reactions are amazing. Even though promotion doesn't guarantee long-term users, it is effective enough to bring in users at first and it's left for the blockchain to hold the users for the long term.

    There isn't just one kind of meet up that promotes Hive. Another is the popular Hive Fest, just lots of Hivers gathering to meet, teach each other and have fun while they go about with wears that display Hive in different beauties. This on it's own draws people around who know nothing about Hive to ask questions and it's always different when it is people coming to us to learn about Hive.

    There is power in meetups for promoting the blockchain and how we go about it matters. For a one on one meet up, there are strategies to use and for larger audience meetups, there are also strategies to use and these meetups will play a huge role for the Hive community.

    I don't know when I'll get the chance to attend a Hive meetup but it's in my future plans especially the ones that would be held here in my country. I feel like it's an act that every Hiver should feel obligated to attend to spread the word about Hive even without saying a word.

    I know the effect of seeing so many people gather for something I know nothing about but they seem to be doing it happily and effortlessly, Hive Meetups seem that way to the world if we'd host a lot of them in our different parts of the world... We are promoting Hive that way.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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