The Effects of Survival Mode

in voilk •  last month

    Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking a bit about Survival Mode.

    There are still a lot of doubts and concerns about this mode. People have been discussing if bots should or shouldn't be allowed and the same for soulbound cards. To me, soulbound cards are not a problem if bots aren't allowed. Even if we make soulbound cards unable to play this mode, a special (and much cheaper) unbound should be created so that players are not locked out of using certain cards forever in this mode.

    However, that's all still to be decided. What I want to talk about here are the effects on the prices of cards. Chaos Legion regular reward cards and core set cards have been selling for close to burn value for a long time. Not all of them, the summoners, especially the legendary ones, have always been considerably higher than the burn value. And there are plenty of other cards that people were not willing to sell that low.

    Still, most of the regular reward cards and a few core set cards of all rarities had been selling near the burn value for months. It was the case back when DEC was at 60% of the peg value and it still was the case when DEC reached and passed 80% of the peg value.

    Ever since the announcement of Survival Mode, most cards have risen in value just slightly in a way that it is much more difficult to find them so close to burn value. More importantly, some of the best overprinted cards have risen significantly in price. Djinn Oshannus is one example. It's a great card but very overprinted. It used to be easy to buy copies for less than 550 DEC. Currently the cheapest one is a maxed out card (11 bcx) and it costs about 6800 DEC. That's more than 10% increase and Survival Mode isn't here yet. Venator Kinjo is another one. I have several maxed copies rented out that I bought for less than 550 DEC per bcx. Now the cheapest one available is a maxed copy for 8600 DEC. That's an increase of over 40%! I have a similar situation with Countess Sinash and Jared Scar and they are now even more expensive than Venator.

    The big increase is on the legendaries but it's still nice to see. I just wish they had kept it a secret for longer as I was collecting some of these cards slowly and I wanted more time to get them for cheap.

    Thank you for reading!

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