Lifescape Tribe Blogging Contest Round 3 - COLORS OF LIFE

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello Everyone, here we are for another round of our main community contest . I invite everyone to join, amazing rewards awaits.

    Also , winners of the ROUND 2 will be announced within 24 hours. Thanks to all who participated.



    Life we can say that it is a colorful journey , so we would like to incorporate that in accordance with the vision of our community which is to be the witness of everyone's life journey.

    How does it work?

    • Every week we will be giving a COLOR, it can be a single or multiple color. This will serve as the theme for the week
    • Show us an object, place or events that has the color theme for the week. Be creative and don't be afraid to explore.
    • Give a short background on your selected subject

    What are the rules?

    1. Make a post in LIFESCAPE TRIBE COMMUNITY about the Color of the week.
    2. The post must contain at least 150 word. Explain more about the subject and it's relation to your life, this will be a major criteria in choosing the winners.
    3. All content must be original and free from plagiarism.
    4. Use the tags #lifecolors in the first 5 tags, and don't forget to leave the link of your entry in the comment section.
    5. Post must be written in English.


    General Rewards

    • All participants will receive a full upvote from our community curator and moderators.

    Winner Rewards

    We will be choosing THREE major winners and TWO special mentions.

    • 1st Place - 3 HSBI
    • 2nd Place - 2 HSBI
    • 3rd Place - 1 HSBI
    • Special Mention - 50 Ecency Points Each

    What is HSBI ? some call it HIVE for life because accumulating it allows you to have an upvote forever, based on the number of units that you have.

    • To see how much HSBI you have , you can check HERE . Just put your username in the link.

    • To know more about HSBI, please read the WHITEPAPER.

    • You can find more info about Ecency Points HERE..

    Theme for this Week is the color ---- BLUE (Any shade)

    I Love You Smile GIF by corgiyolk

    To support the community ,Subscribing to LIFESCAPE TRIBE COMMUNITY and leaving an upvote would be much appreciated.

    Kitten Tuck In GIF by MOODMAN

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