Time to Harvest in My Mini Garden

in voilk •  2 months ago

    The sun little by little began to set, in the western part of Indonesia, specifically in my city, when I started harvesting my mini garden, it was already 17.30 WIB. A very suitable time and not too hot to start gardening in the afternoon and looking for a little sweat on today's activities. However, the agenda that I currently have scheduled in my garden is to harvest the plants that I looked at last night and there are several types of plants that I will harvest, although not many, they are very sufficient to meet the needs of me and my husband and the garden products that I am harvesting at the moment are :

    1. Small green eggplant
    In my garden I only have 2 eggplant trees, but in reality even though I only have 2 trees I can harvest this eggplant and process it and not only do I enjoy it but also my neighbors also enjoy this eggplant fruit, the fruit never stops and knows no season. , even though it is not dense, this eggplant is enough to supplement our diet

    2. Kedondong
    This Kedondong has a fruit that tastes quite sour, but because of its sour and fresh taste, many people process it into sweets and a mixture of Rujak, or if you don't understand Rujak I will say that it is a typical Indonesian spicy fruit salad.

    3. Papaya
    I can't believe my papayas are starting to ripen again, and my daily fruit needs are never lacking when I live in my new house. And you can see that today I have been able to harvest 3 California type papaya, and if you ask if they are still half ripe and wait a little longer for them to ripen evenly, my answer is no. Because if I wait for it to ripen evenly before I pick it, I will be competing with bats, squirrels or several types of birds. I have proven this when I first harvested papaya fruit. And my papaya fruit has a lot of white fungus but it doesn't affect the taste quality of my papaya fruit

    4. Katuk
    This leaf is very delicious and can be mixed with any type of vegetable, apart from being delicious, another benefit of this katuk leaf is that it can increase breast milk when the mother is breastfeeding, but here I am a little disappointed because I have to compete with the neighbor's duck because of this neighbor's duck. It also turns out that he really likes the leaves. While I also like it. As a result I only got a few of these young leaves. but that's okay because I will mix this with other ingredients to get a delicious vegetable soup for my dinner

    That's what I can harvest today, while I harvested the chilies a few days ago. And before I close today's activities for all of you, I found that my mango tree has started to flower, I hope this tree doesn't give false hope and the flowers don't fall but can become fruit, which when it arrives I will also tell all my HIVE friends. in this community.

    Greetings from maytom, Indonesia and it's time to switch hobbies by loving nature without destroying it.

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