Blog #5: Quick Visit to Mount Cabuyao- Close encounter

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Good evening and goodmorning everyone!

    We went and had a close encounter to the radars at Mount Cabuyao, Tuba Benguet yesterday and this would be my second time. My first encounter was when I had my prenup, a photoshoot before our wedding and that would be another blog again.😘
    Mount Cabuyao is commonly mistaken as Mount Santo Tomas, a taller mountain just beside it. They were also called the "Twin Mountains" of Tuba, Benguet. At the top of Mount Cabuyao, there were radars, houses, gardens and a very nice view seeing the bottom of baguio up to the clouds.

    Currently it's not open for tourist. Before arriving at the Summit, you will be asked first about your destination and since we knew the owner, we were able to visit the summit of Mt. Cabuyao.

    There were houses, a private observatory and an AA radar station that was formerly used by US military personnel stationed there.

    This house here is owned by Mr. Tony Cuyopan, who owns the majority land in Mount Cabuyao. He was able to own this through being an heir to his ancestors. He is currently processing the legal documents or papers in order for him to formaly own these hectares of land.

    At the peak, a number of communications companies installed radars and relay stations. This telecommunications hadn't paid any peny to the rightful owner of the land. It is still being processed and more hearings will be undergone inorder to be formal. The owner has complete papers and proof that these area had become village already and many recidence were hear already comparing to what the "others" were saying.

    Before the summit of the mountain is a tiny farming village. The local government built a town hall and a school for them. However at present, larger space were being cultivated already. Farmers wants to grow their crops in here whether they were from here or not. A lot of people were inquiring if they can rent land for their crops.The atmosphere or weather in Mt. Cabuyao was really cold and it's good for the crops. I'm also seeing that the crops lacks water and they really had to wait for the rainy season or ask for water delivery for the watering of their crops.

    Before arriving at the summit, it was really cloudy and the fogg was really thick but at the top it was very bright and a bit cloudy. I was still able to grasp the sunshine even though it was late in the afternoon. After the sun was shaded by the clouds, it became windy and cold weather started to embrace us.


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