My Actifit Report Card: April 11 2024 kindergarten entrance ceremony / 入園式

in voilk •  3 months ago



    Due to the recent bad weather, the cherry blossoms had finished blooming before we knew it, and we were not able to view the cherry blossoms this year after all. Nevertheless, yesterday was the first time in a long time that we had pleasant blue sky weather. Yesterday, my son finally had his entrance ceremony. He had been in day care until now, but after the ceremony, he will start kindergarten from today. What worries me a little is that he could not leave his parents during the ceremony and could not sit in the seat reserved for kindergartners, and afterwards he cried and made a lot of noise when I tried to move him to the classroom alone. Well, each child has his own pace, so I will not say anything and wait for my son to be able to do more.

    There were many things to prepare for when entering kindergarten, but one thing that I thought was very kindergarten-like was the purchase of a set of toolboxes. It includes scissors, clay clay, castanets, and various other tools used for crafts and class play. It makes me feel that we are finally starting a new stage of life. As I looked at the various items, a distant memory of having a similar toolbox came back to me. I wonder what kind of growth he will show as he experiences various things in group life. I would like to watch over him carefully, valuing what he thinks and feels in his daily life.

    Well, yesterday I had time to do a 10km run, continuing on from the previous Saturday. Running after 3 days in the middle of the day, my legs are still a little damaged from muscle soreness, and my legs are heavy and painful from the start of the run. But if I keep doing this, I will not feel so fatigued after running 10 km, and I will not be so lazy to go for a run. I will never be able to run a half marathon unless I work that hard. Anyway, it is important to keep going.

    It was strange that my pace was better than the other day despite my heavy legs. Last time I included a graph of the continuous data, but since a graph of the average lap pace per kilometer is easier to understand, I will keep this as a record. My legs were heavy throughout the race, but I was never out of breath and was able to make a last spurt because I had some room left at the end. Although I was a little concerned about the drop in pace in the middle of the run, it is ideal for me to finish the run in this way, where the end is in the form of a butt-up, and I can finish the run with a good feeling.

    From now on, the rainy season and heat will hinder my running, but I will do my best to run when I can!











    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity,Walking,Running

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